A,yes, to see.B,yes,seeing.C,No,saw.D,Yes,seeyou aren't a new comer,are you?( )do you forget me at the school gate ten minutes ago?请说明选择你的那个选项的理由

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 22:43:51
xUKOQ+w6i єnThRc%Cy" (*5S/v;+BϝA˦&m҄s3 nS pHP@y}Uɽ릴{$# $yE?&'{F$GWDV$#dчuY #-PEKRH[J$BGF ,VGS2َSy׿ɹp&etfn7qtRT&p,gɘ˙&vsdRs$c({>0l2=,Up6  6ߨ0/)@ȭRGQ V2pN*U+_Ǚ#zdmn] # ]s57?e<['9Ua? iH"phf[Au5V1C 9Ye`:,@+nH*F;m .Tv#Se,%^Q/Im_^8J ڃNFY/3M)Il,|c\8B@p.3؈;[NRÀvw~Ӱ\$ /ذ"h.sqKkJѺϸWPj ${EfygdCkg,sУ6Q5Pn: `2 k)g>0vIIP}RR0J2: _]XH"|ԿKW8[%PČ3'V)9oXt$lLN}
( )A:Tom!B:Yes?A:____ B:Yes.A:Come to see it B:Coming and see C:Comes to see it D:Come and see i A:Would you like to see a film with me?B:Yes,___________. Yes,I do .I want to see a comedy Must you go now?A.yes,i need B.yes,i may C.yes,ican D.yes,ihave to 用May提问怎么回答?May I come with you to see this flim?A.Yes,I'd love to.B.Yes,of course. -Shall we go to see a film after dinner?-______________________a.Yes,I do b.Thank youc.Yes,pleased.That's a good idea To be a yes Do you want to see Hero?A.yes,that sounds good .B.yes,i can C.i like it D.No,i can't --( )---i'm calling to see if you still have the flat?---yes,we have.a,yes?b,who/ d,hello?have the flat怎么理解? Would you like to see a film with me on Sunday?怎么回答是A:yes,I like.B:yes,I'd like C:yes,I would.D:I'd like to Would you like to see a film with me?A.Yes,I would B.No,Iwouldn't C.Yes,I'd love toD.Yes,I'd like此处作为回答就选哪个?为什么 A,yes, to see.B,yes,seeing.C,No,saw.D,Yes,seeyou aren't a new comer,are you?( )do you forget me at the school gate ten minutes ago?请说明选择你的那个选项的理由 Need I go to see the manager?---Yes,you____.A) must B)do C)may D)can A;I want to go to the zoo.Do you want to go __me?B;Yes,I'd love to.What__do you want to see first 英语翻译Do you still remember____me somewhere in Shanghai?Yes,of course.Two years ago.A,to see B.see C.seeing D.saw -Do you still remember _____ me somewhere in Shanghai?-Yes,of course.Two years ago.A.to see B.seeing C.see D.saw May I put my bag here?____ A Yes,do please!B Yes,put them please.C Yes,putting please.D Yes,to put it please. May I put my pen on the desk?______.A.Yes,put them please B.Yes,to put it C.Yes,please D.Yes,putting it please