My class went camping last summer中的camp为什么加ing

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/02 22:20:01
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Everyone else in my class went to Beijing and except me.可以加and嘛? My class went camping last summer中的camp为什么加ing My class Many students in my class went on a trip to the park yesterday___ ___ ___ ___students in my class went on a trip to the park yesterday 同义句 l went to my 《My class 》作文 这篇英语作业语法错误,求修改My class went to Xiaoyaojin Park last Sunday.I met my classmates at the school gate and went to the park at 9 am.We went to the park by bus.we went boating.We had picnic.We took pictures and we also went to the my experience in class还是on class my best friend Linda and I went to music class last week.对last week提问为什么要用how did? 上周除了我之外 我们的其他人都去了动物园 翻译 __ __ in my class went to the zoo ___ me last week All the students in my class went to the Summer Palace except you ____.A.or i B.and i C.and me D.or me Everyone else in my class went to Beijing except me.这句话能不能用else?Why?这句话是八年级教材go for it上的. 如题,I forgot to take my phone when i went to the class,so i forgot to send you a 英语 智力游戏 There were 54 students in my class .14went swimming .11 wen to the theatre how mang接着mang 后面 were left ni the classroom 请大驾光临!1、He looks very upset.(对very upset 提问) ___ ___ he look?2、Everyone in our class went to the park,but he didn't .Everyone in our class went to the park___ ___.3、All my friends went to the party ,but they didn't invite me(同 my heart went out to my workers went on strike! my class的初中英语作文