he stood by the window,_____he could see what was happening outside.A.WHERE B.FORM WHICH感觉两个对

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 01:51:44
翻译he saw dead leaves dirven along by the wind he stood by the window,_____he could see what was happening outside.A.WHERE B.FORM WHICH感觉两个对 Watch The Wind Blow By 歌词 Her mother stood in the wind watching her until she d_______in the distance He half-sat,half-stood in the tree.怎么翻译?half-stood是什么意思 the boat was pushed by the of water and wind 翻译:He stood all the door with his head down Surprised and happy,he stood up and accepted the price. he stood at back of the door.哪里错了, he was tired and stood a___ the door 英语翻译The WindThe wind stood up and gave a shout.He whistled on his fingers and Kicked the withered leaves about And thumped the branches with his hand And said that he'd kill and kill,And so he will and so he will.----------------------------- The mother stood in the cold wind,___(wait)for his son ___(come)back还有原因. sat by the table,stood by the table 有这种说法吗?什么意思? On the way home,he saw dead leaves( )along by the wind. A.driving B.driven C.blowing D.blew选哪个?说明原因 why the faith given by libra always perform like wind breaking?perform like wind breaking? He paid ( )the meal ---to,forThe children ran( )the school---of,out ofHe opened the box ( )a tool---by,withWe stood at the back( )the theater---of,on she stood by the window,___________. A. thinking.she stood by the window,___________.A. thinking. B.think. C.thought. D.thinks the wind stopped ______(cry)when he saw his mother