The farmer didn't spend much time working on his farm.翻译

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 05:41:31
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Because of the flood,this farmer didn't produce very much this year? The farmer didn't spend much time working on his farm.翻译 The farmer didn't stop working in the field .It was raining hard .(用although连成一句话) Because of the flood,this farmer didn't produce very much this year?请高手翻译下,谢谢! _____such heavy loss in the hurrican,the farmer didn't expect to have a good harvest.A,SufferingB,SufferedC,Having sufferingD,To suffer I didn't know whether we.(help)the farmer pick apples that afternoon.为什么填would help 而不填 helped?我感觉填后者也不错啊? It was raining hard,but the farmer didn't stop working in the field.(改成同义句)( )it was raining hard,the farmer didn't stop working in the field.在括号中填一个词!个位有学识的才人, 两道英语改变句型1.They didn't do their homework yesterday afternoon(根据已改变的时间改写句子)They their homework this time yesterday afternoon.2.The farmer tells the tourists,Don't touch the plants.(report the farmer's words)The 英语阅读填词One day a farmer was working in a field near a forest.A hare r____to him.It didn't see him u____it was c____to him.Then it t____away quickly and ran into a big tree.It broke its neck against the tree and d____at once.The farmer was 谁知道“Once there was a farmer .”全文全部题是这样的(-为要填的空)Once there was a farmer,he worked for a landlord(地主).The landlord - the man worke all day long but paid him very little money and didn’t - him 英语高手来(初中英语)全部是句型转换1、the farmer didn't find these sheep this morning(改被动)These sheep _____ _____by the farmer this morning2、If you want to be wealthy ,please practiseeconomy(改同义)please______ your 英语翻译Several years ago,a farmer omned some land along the sea.He advertised for workers,but no one wanted to work for him most people didn't want to work there because they didn't like the bad storms.Finally,a little man,who looked weak and mo 英语翻译The manager didn‘t want_____________________________ Alice didn't pass the english The server didn't respond in time. she didn't see the film? she didn't see the film? the underground didn't go d -------.