services company 服务公司?在中国我们说的是什么?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 22:20:38
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Weafri Well Services Company 如何翻译 Web Hosting Services 具体提供什么服务啊 Global Shared Services Center和Accounts Payable Department,Company services company 服务公司?在中国我们说的是什么? Location Based Services:based是不是形容词,修饰location,是不是based修饰Location,再Location Based修饰Services,服务基于本地怎么说,可不可以说成 services base location 求翻译:我的主要工作是与日本客人保持联系以及想客人介绍我们公司提供的产品和相关服务.My chief job content is communicate with the Japanese guests、andintroduce the services of my company supports. 以上翻译 gambling and betting services什么意思?是赌博的意思么?赌博服务?还是别的? 翻译:They provide the resources needed by the company to produce its goods and services. The more accessible a company’s services are,the more business it will do.翻译 英语翻译As sole compensation for the performance of the R&D Services,Company XXX will pay Subsidiary an amount calculated as specified in Exhibit A hereto (“Services Fee”).Exhibit A下面有下划线,Exhibit A和Services Fee都是黑体字, 防火墙在services.msc 本地服务设置里的英文名是什么?我想通过services.msc 本地服务设置永远打开它.每次开机系统都给我关闭了. 求一篇关于the services in my community的英语作文 1 你所在的小区有什么服务 2小区服务的重要性 3你有什 business incorporation services 是否是公司成立服务?就是办理开立手续的服务之类的?另外,单独的business incorporation是什么意思? 银行里的Standard services 怎样翻译好?翻译成标准服务感觉怪怪得!请高手指点! 求外贸翻译:Your company profile ,international export reference list ,your hard copy cataloguesYour company profile ,international export reference list ,your hard copy catalogues by courier services. Five women opened a computer services company.为什么service用复数啊?前面明明是a啊! TRADING AND ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE JOINT STOCK COMPANY 英语准确翻译?贸易与娱乐服务股份公司? company