时间用in还是用for?NCE2 text5The bird covered the distance in three minutes 这里表示时间怎么不用for three minutes?我看到时间一般用for做介词的.

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时间用in还是用for?NCE2 text5The bird covered the distance in three minutes 这里表示时间怎么不用for three minutes?我看到时间一般用for做介词的. in return for this语法结构nce2 lesson 6里的一句话,In return for this,the beggar stood on his head and sang songs 这句中in return for this是什么结构?习语还是短语? every meal 前面用in还是for? sneezing前用for还是in 过去完成时的时间前加for可以不可以i had attended party for yesterday noon.这句话可以用for吗?或者是什么?at?in?还是since?还是用过去式不加had? NCE2 lesson58 中 a useful source of income为什么用a 而不用an?看音标的吗?不是单纯看字母的呀? 英语问题,NCE2课本的,急用,明天上课用hold或look的正确形式填空:1,We shall be ( ) a party tomorrow.I am( )it very much.2,( )!You nearly koncked that jug over!3,They say he is very famous.I shall( )him( )in 介词后跟的时间是时间段还是时间点in,after,for后跟时间点还是时间段?用于什么时态 英语中跟具体时间用in还是at? 应该用in the week还是for a week? 现在完成时的时间状语前用for还是用in看到有用for的,有用in的,我感觉只能用for啊.具体应该是怎样?这个句子对吗?There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years. 你假期去哪了?Where did you go for you rholiday?用for还是in? 在早餐时间是用on breakfast time还是at breakfast time,还是in breakfast time? tex是什么意思 in+时间点还是时间段 in加段时间和for 加段时间用在什么时态?in加段时间听说用在将来时,那in those days呢?for加段时间和in加段时间有什么区别啊?真是糊涂了. 现在完成时时态问题the friendly relations and cooperation between our tow countries have been enhanced in the past few years上面的句子现在完成时的时态用的对吗?请指教下~是用have吗?不是has啊?还有we have had four tex --He was badly hurt in the accident.--I ____ (feel sad for 还是用feel sorry for) him.