疑问句中改 Ben and I的顺序!为什么?例句:Ben and I are watered the trees last week.(划线部分提问)What did and do last week?填 Ben and you 还是you and Ben?you and Ben.百思不得其解,为什么呢?一定要这么改吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 20:47:31
xRN@~ x
疑问句中改 Ben and I的顺序!为什么?例句:Ben and I are watered the trees last week.(划线部分提问)What did and do last week?填 Ben and you 还是you and Ben?you and Ben.百思不得其解,为什么呢?一定要这么改吗? peter and Ben are boys.的疑问句 Ben and his sister sat on the sofa改一般疑问句 and在句中连接表先后的动词改一般疑问句时变or吗例如 I will go and join tem改否定句或一般疑问句and变or吗 ------------ARE CLASSMATES.A.BEN AND I B.I AND BEN Ben and his family live in a big house.改一般疑问句 是用do还是用does,请赐教 Ben and I making a model plane together?改成一般疑问句到底是Are Ben and I making a model plane together?还是Is Ben and I making a model plane together? I am good at singing and dancing改一般疑问句 Alicle and I can fly a kite.改一般疑问句 I have a pencil and a pencil?改一般疑问句 I'll go and jion them如何改一般疑问句 Mike and I are students.改一般疑问句 Ben has a bad cold.一般疑问句怎么改? Ben is living in China now.改一般疑问句 Ben's mother's got three dresses.改一般疑问句? 这句英语怎么改为一般疑问句My friend and I have a baseball?疑问1:改一般疑问句要把第一人称改为第二人称,那么your friend和you先后顺序如何?疑问2:and是否要改为or? 一句话中and连接两个过去式怎么改一般疑问句 这句话I sat on the sofa and wached TV有两个过去式怎么改修改原句 英语 改写句子 And 作文英语:1、Ben and his cousin are (in the park).①改否定句:②改一般疑问句并作两种回答:③对有括号的部分提问:2、He sees (some public signs) in the park.①改否定句:②改