finish(近义词 ) () finish(第三人称单数)()

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 03:10:26
finish(近义词 ) () finish(第三人称单数)() finish(第三人称单数) finish the homework(中文) 法语 tous les soirs.这个tous 是tout的复数形式么?我查字典 1.作为泛指代词(le pronom indéfini法语 tous les soirs.这个tous 是tout的复数形式么?我查字典1.作为泛指代词(le pronom indéfini)仅有 tout,tous,tou 法语的过去分词用作形容词要不要根据名词做性数配合?副动词(现在分词)用作形容词要不要做性数配合?比如成品钢管应该说tubes finis,还是tubes fini? Quand ce travil peut-il etre fini?这句话对么?如果不对该怎么改呢?不用est-ce que引导〜这是道翻译,原文是:这项工作什么时候能完成呢?(要求必须是用la voix passive) Did you finish (write)your letter? you can finish your homework all() You must finish your homework (one) I finish the work (success) Dont forget ___(finish)your homework it is necessary that he ___the work within the month a can finish b finishs c finish d will finish为什么选finish(C)? He helped me finish the work(改为同义句).( )( )help,I finish the work. We must finish our homework(反意疑问句)We must finish our homework,____ _______? they have to finish the work before April 10 (对finish the work 进行提问) You cant not watch TV before ( )your homework.A finish B to finish C finishing Can they finish their homework on time (改为同义句)Will they ------ ------- ------ finish theirhomework? I will not go with you until the work( )finish用finish完形填空