有一篇英语短文想请各位修改修改!Thank you very much!Last Saturday,my mother and I went on a visit to Beijing.We went there by plane.After I arrived in Beijing,I felt very excited.We visited many places of interest,such as the Great Wall

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/04 02:12:08
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有一篇英语短文想请各位修改修改!Thank you very much!Last Saturday,my mother and I went on a visit to Beijing.We went there by plane.After I arrived in Beijing,I felt very excited.We visited many places of interest,such as the Great Wall 英语短文改错修改十处错误拜托了各位 请各位高手帮我修改一下这篇英语短文,这是一篇有关于招聘教师的短文.假如你是一位中学校长,需要招聘一名教师,具体条件如下:1、能吃苦耐劳 2、喜欢孩子 3、会说英语和法语 4、回唱歌 英语短文语法修改及润色,30分!有英语的短文,300来字,求大神润色及修改,请把邮箱留下给我,我发给你,改完发给我我给分! 各位帮忙修改下英语作文 帮忙修改一篇英语小作文 谁能帮我修改一篇英语文章? 我想写一篇英语短文,请各位帮我修改一下哈.mother’s DayMy mother’s Day is a busy day.she ofter gets up so early.she ofter cooks breakfast for us.she goes to work at seven' o clock.after work,she goes shop buying some food for lunc 求修改一篇200字英语小短文,200分,先给100.文章在我空间 帮忙看看这些英语短文该怎么修改一下 有加分哦~!复试英语面试的短文 英语高手帮忙修改一下啊 答得好还有加分哦~!谢谢各位高手~!2.考研原因 (reasons for my choice) There are several reasons. ,First I 英语作文:请帮我修改一下, 帮忙修改英文演讲稿请英语好的帮忙修改一下看看有没有错误的地方,如果可以, 英语修改句子 He is more than 10 years old 英语修改病句Nancy goes to school earlyer than Nancy 英语修改病句Nancy goes to school earlyer than Nancy 英语短文改错,只允许修改十处 请好文采的人帮我修改作文!急救以下是小弟的一篇文章 希望各位大侠帮我修改修改题目不能修改看看哪些地方可以写得更好些感激不尽!修改得好的追加.消逝着,美丽着叶子消逝的时候,它变 短文改错、修改10处.