这句话时态对吗?需要改成graduation吗?After his graduating of last year,he maintaned to study abroad.用graduating 想是强调后句毕业后的动作,这样可以吗,还是用maintan代替continue对吗?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/14 07:33:03
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这句话时态对吗?需要改成graduation吗?After his graduating of last year,he maintaned to study abroad.用graduating 想是强调后句毕业后的动作,这样可以吗,还是用maintan代替continue对吗? 应用小数的性质,可以根据需要改成小数.这句话对吗? Did he say he will leave tomorrow?这句话对吗?will需要改成would吗? what are you brother doing?这句话对吗?需要改成is吗 这句话时态对吗?需要改吗After his graduating of last year,he maintaned to study abroad. we fly kites and played football 这句话的动词fly和played时态对吗?需要一致吗?played是要填的空,是填现在时态还是过去时态? dare you say again?这句话对吗?应该改成什么? She is the girl who(whom) I went with there.这句话对吗?时态需要一致吗?“there”可以放在“went with”的后面吗? We can play basketball.这句话怎么改成否定句?这句话是什么时态? Their family is in Beijing now.这句话对吗?is改成live对吗? 《低头需要勇气,抬头需要实力.》这句话对吗? He is very worried这句话对吗?不是应该用worries吗?是什么时态? He is very worried这句话对吗?不是应该用worries吗?是什么时态? 这句话时态对吗?SinceI was a postgraduate student,I have been interested in scientific research. THe crowd waited for about two hours before the star show up on the stage这句话对吗 时态对吗 单细胞生物都需要有机物作为营养 这句话对吗? 制作电磁铁需要绝缘导线?这句话对吗? 一摩尔任何物质都含有阿伏伽德罗常数个微粒 这句话对吗 应该改成什么样