一句话,麻烦分析一下语法I was only a date for the evening主谓宾,分别是什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 14:41:11
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一句话,麻烦分析一下语法I was only a date for the evening主谓宾,分别是什么 None was quite so simple-minded asWhat I Did on My Summer Vacation,but most seemed to be almost as dull.麻烦在讲一下这里涉及的语法, 语法 分析句子结构请精确详细分析一下此句:However,the next day,I noticed that my classmates were staring at me as I came into math class and,when I went to sit down,I was shocked to find a piece of paper on my desk that said,'Stupi 麻烦分析一下这个英文句子But it has done so on the cheap.这是《经济学人》上的一句话,我总觉得很别扭,不理解,麻烦英语好的同学帮我分析一下这句话的意思 简单的高中语法帮忙分析一下这句话的结构,麻烦详细一些One kind of school could teach every thing that was known about the world. 麻烦分析一下这个句子的语法结构 besides the acting being ture to life ,the singing was splendid .请问前面那一块是独立主格结构吗? 分析一下这句的语法吧 money spent on advertising is money sp分析一下这句的语法吧money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any i know of. 请帮我分析一下下面这句话的语法结构,这是现代大学英语第三册第一课里面的一句话.During the course I had come to realize that while my world was expanding and new options were opening for me,my father,who was in his si 麻烦分析一下句子成分.I first began to wonder what I was doing on a college campus anyway when my parents drove off,leaving me standing pitifully in a parking lot,wanting nothing more than to find my way safely to my dorm room.麻烦分析 求分析.My father was strict with me.He request that I (B) television on week nights.A mustn‘t B not watch C couldn't watch D don't watch 为什么不选C?知道的哥哥姐姐麻烦给一下分析,My father was strict with me.He requested that I 麻烦帮忙分析下句子的语法,1.Now,i have enough money to buy that piece of land i`ve had my eye on and build a house on it.2.i suppose i`ve put it off long engough.我的语法很差,麻烦大家帮我分析详细一些, 麻烦分析下括号内句子的语法it was a great group.(i always got mad that people said that we didn'...麻烦分析下括号内句子的语法it was a great group.(i always got mad that people said that we didn't get along just because we are I was rolling around on the ground with sore hands,while everyone else was rolling about laughing.麻烦翻译一下,主要看不到rolling around 和sore hands. sorry.I was wrong .Forgive 麻烦翻译一下 The way he loves you,(is) the way I love you.麻烦分析一下这句句子语法结构看看...The way he loves you,(is) the way I love you.麻烦分析一下这句句子语法结构看看有没有错, I love you (in) the way he loves you.麻烦分析一下这个句子的语法结构看看有没...I love you (in) the way he loves you.麻烦分析一下这个句子的语法结构看看有没错误, I am right the one loves you the way you love me.麻烦帮忙分析一下这句句子语法结...I am right the one loves you the way you love me.麻烦帮忙分析一下这句句子语法结构看看有木有错,文明交流, I am right the one that can give a right love.1、麻烦帮忙分析一下这句句子语法结...I am right the one that can give a right love.1、麻烦帮忙分析一下这句句子语法结构看看有木有错.2、句中两处right这样用有