五道英语小题,最好有解释,急!1. I believe if you want to learn English well, you should have a large____2. Could you tell me____ you have learnt physics best, Linda?3. Some of us think____ too hard to understand what the Frenchman says in C

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:46:23
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五道英语小题,最好有解释,急!1. I believe if you want to learn English well, you should have a large____2. Could you tell me____ you have learnt physics best, Linda?3. Some of us think____ too hard to understand what the Frenchman says in C 五道英语小题,最好有解释!1. I will call you as soon as I____ the ticket to the football watch A. will get B. get C. got D. am getting2. Half of the students in our class____ from local town A. is B. am C. are D. was3. Professi 小发明 小制作 最好有图 急I急! 五年级英语手抄报内容最好有笑话、小知识、名人名言......要英语的,再用汉语翻译。快!快!快!急!急!急! 两道英语小题,最好有解释1. ---It’s cloudy. Will it rain soon? ---____. It’s really hot these daysA.I hope so B.I hope not C. I’m afraid so D. I’m afraid not2. Jack told me he____ (go) skating every Saturday 英语选择题 最好有解释 八道英语填空,急!最好有解释!1.They discuss the business at b____ every day.2.Do you have any s____ ?I like to eat them.3.She didn't have the c____ to refuse.4.Keeping a d____ every day is a good habit.5.I hope this present can bring you l_ 简单点的英语小故事三分钟的,最好有视频,或者有解释. 关于导盲犬的英语小故事最好有情节,单词不要太复杂,150字左右(英语)最好要中文解释! 五年级英语小短文,是五年级的,急! 小学六年级英语作文关于四季的!急!最好有中文解释,能读2分中就行 求两篇五年级英语日记!急~~~!最好有五年级所学的知识在里面!谢谢了! 急!英语陈述句五种基本结构最好有详细讲解和例句谢了 发几则英语小故事(有中文解释的),里面的单词最好是初一的 PEP五年级下册英语黄冈小状元答案最好有听力录音好了追加悬赏 ★两道英语填空★(急!1.We need to cut the apple into___(两半)2.You are ____(第二个)to come.最好有解释,如果解释得好, 急求英语小笑话 1 2分钟的把 带翻译 有生词解释的 求英语小故事,150字求英语小故事,150字就ok,最好有翻译,急,