分析个简单句子Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds.分析下 清楚点是分析不是翻译 尤其说清in weeds什么成分

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:46:43
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分析个简单句子Some areas are almost completely covered in weeds.分析下 清楚点是分析不是翻译 尤其说清in weeds什么成分 Emergeng relief will be sent to the areas most affected by huiricant 帮我分析一下这个句子的成分 帮分析个简单的英语句子to tell someone how to get to a place 有从句性质没 写一段简单的英语对话1.lack of sleep and rest2.a shortage of teachers in some remote areas in China 分析一下这两个简单的英语句子,我不太懂1、I can't go with you .I have some papers TO TYPE.2、Do you have any papers TO BE TYPED ,sir?为什么第一个用 to type 而第二个用 to be typed? AR分析纯 而RD又是什么 it can make some areas rich and can also make other areas p____ 10个简单的现在完成时的句子, 请帮分析一下这个句子中的2个from,还有affected为什么成分?The extreme seriousness of desertification results from the vast areas of land and the tremendous numbers of people affected,as well as from the great difficulty of reversing 一句英语句子的分析,Some students are sitting by the window talking about a film.Some students are sitting by the window talking about a film.1.整个句子是不是应该是一个主系表结构的简单句?2.Some students 做主语;are Some animals and plants have lost their ____(live)areas. if you travel in some areas in india,you 问个简单的电路图这个电路如何分析啊 来个英语高手帮我分析个很简单的英语句子我是自考生,在学英语(二)的时候遇到一个句子:Beethoven(贝多芬)was not a spontaneously inspired composerin in the Schubert(舒伯特) sense at all. 初中英语(现在完成时问题)Some animals and plants have lost their living areas because of these changes.为什么这个句子里面的have要放在前面?而不是放在change那儿?这个句子中,是这些变化导致了动物无家可 求高手分析雅思作文题In some countries,governments are encouraging industries and businesses to move out of large cities and into regional areas.Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh its disadvantages?Give reasons for you 求分析 下面这个句子的虚拟语气如何分析(谢谢啦)were it not for the aid of the UNESCO,poor children in remote areas could not afford to go to school. 用pay sb some money for sth造个句子