这些句子怎么改成被动句1 Li Lie gave tom a new pen last week.A new pen ___ ___ ___ tom last week.2 A lot of people in China can spcak English now.English ___ ___ ___ by a lot of people China now.3 I have learned English for about two years.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 19:58:40
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这些句子怎么改成被动句1 Li Lie gave tom a new pen last week.A new pen ___ ___ ___ tom last week.2 A lot of people in China can spcak English now.English ___ ___ ___ by a lot of people China now.3 I have learned English for about two years. 被动句子改成主动句 怎么改 被动句子改成主动句 怎么改 把这些句子改成被动态! Li Lie is the younggest member in our club.改成相同或相近的句子. 我想问 为什么一个句子可以改成两种被动句?例如 He showed me some pictures.要怎么改?改成两个被动句. I'm Miss Li怎么改成否定句? LI Lei shouid return the book in time 怎么改成被动语态 把这些英语句子改成被动句where did she make them?when did she cook supper yesterday?whose ruler did you borrow? There is a bus over there.怎么改成一般疑问句?还有——There are many pupils on the playground.The girls have some hast.These boys are tall.Mr.Li has many books.I have a red pen.My friends have many pencils.这些句子改成否定句的 帮我把一句英语句子改成被动语态的.What made them so worried?改成被动语态的句子,还是要疑问句的不要改成陈述句. 库伯先生派人来,把奔驰汽车开走了.(1)被动句:_______________.把这个句子改成被动.本人还暂时没有财富值. 第三题法语作业,把这些句子改成否定句 怎么容易把句子改成转述句 Li Lei mended the bike.改成被动语态 Li Lie is a good foodball player(同义句转换) 德语被动句的改写,急有一个句子,请问各位德语高手怎么改成被动句?Viele Touristen kaufen Freunden Stücke von der Berliner Mauer als Geschenk.语序搞不清楚啊 I bought the toys so cheaply that I gave one to each of my friends把这个句子改成被动句怎么改?