帮我改改这篇英语短文吧,看看有什么语病,(内容见补充)One day in the future .we won't go to concert .but play it our selfues one day in the future ,I am a pianis.I bring people beatiful moldies.I can give them happiness .I can

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 08:55:11
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帮我改改这篇英语短文吧,看看有什么语病,(内容见补充)One day in the future .we won't go to concert .but play it our selfues one day in the future ,I am a pianis.I bring people beatiful moldies.I can give them happiness .I can 这句英语有错误吗?帮我看看改改~The world seems disappeared when I stare at your eyes! 大家帮我看看这句话有没有语病 有没有英语比较好的人,帮我看看英语演讲稿有没有什么语病,可以的回忆下! 帮我看看这句话有无语病 英语短文有什么语病帮我改改?Since science is developing quickly,almost every family in China have least one TV.It is easy to get information by watching TV.But I listening to the radio more than watching TV.Actually listen to the radio is 帮忙改改这个句子Students only care about the reward but have little and little interest in study.帮我看看这个句子有什么毛病,然后帮我改改but那里没有问题吗?帮我改改这个句子 帮我看看这句英语的意思.表达有什么语病.The right hand side of the tea has been cold 帮我修改一下下这篇英语文章,帮我修改一下,看看有什么句子不够好的,帮我改改,越多越好.谢谢了!we made an activity survey last week.we asked all students of class 12,grade 8.in our chart,most students watch tv ever 帮我改改英语选择题 .帮我看看英语的短文改错 帮我改改这篇英语短文有什么语法、拼写上的错误,或更好的词,请帮我加上,原doc文件:When we are really small,our parents endlessly teach us what is right and what is wrong,when we have grown up,we have the choice to do t 请会英语的高手,帮我看看这篇自我介绍有没有语法或单词错误,有的话帮我改改..再帮我润色一下帮我把这段翻译一下并加进去:在上六年级的时候,我的父亲为了提高我的英语口语水平,让我 英语翻译请帮我看看这句话有没有语病,以及翻译这句话 这句英文正确吗?有语病的话帮我改改吧,我找不出来,但是又觉得有点别扭Hopefully such way would leave a nice impression about the old city to people. 看看有没有英语语病! 帮我看看这句英语句子有没有问题?the girl is realizing her mother may be tired.这个女孩意识到她妈妈可能太累了.有没有什么语病?(realizing前面要加is吗?为什么? 谁帮我看看这句英语有语病吗?i am flying in the heaven我在天堂里飞.