请教一句英语的语法问题All anyone has to do is jump on-board and commit to working the opportunity in the manner that it is being presented to them.Q1:jump 和commit是不是词形不正确啊?是不是需要加上-ing变成动名词?否则

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 19:09:36
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请教英语高手一个小小的语法问题.Welcome all of you join English Club!还是Welcome all of you to join English Club! 请教一句英语的语法问题All anyone has to do is jump on-board and commit to working the opportunity in the manner that it is being presented to them.Q1:jump 和commit是不是词形不正确啊?是不是需要加上-ing变成动名词?否则 All we are is dust in the wind 语法是不是有问题?Dust in the wind是我最喜欢的一首英文歌,其中的一句歌词All we are is dust in the wind语法是不是有问题? 请教一句计算机英语的翻译问题Directory management duplication separate design separate.请问这句话是什么意思呢? 一句英语句子的语法问题The teacher asked the excited children not to excited .从语法角度上来解释为什么不用 exciting. Never的倒装句,请教下语法达人... 帮忙看看一句英语的语法问题The price was volatile,ranging from $20 to $40.为什么是range要用ing ,涉及哪个语法的知识点呢..我语法不好 请教一句英文语法是否正确,会的进!I only have a close friend who is my mother. ALL的语法问题you all can go abroad next year.语法有错吗?为什么? 帮忙指正一句英语的语法问题~请问“真该死的感觉!”可以用“what a damn feeling”吗?有语法错误吗? 请教一句英语的语法结构What percent of the increase in the total number of readers of magazine was the increase in the number of readers in the 31-40 age group? 一句英语句子的语法问题I never wanna hear you say.hear和say都是动词,那这句话不是有两个动词了吗 新概念英语2语法练习求请教!lesson64的! 请教一句数学英语.“5的3次幂”英语怎么说.谢谢! 这句英语的语法正确吗?I think all the people around me are这句英语的语法正确吗?I think all the people around me are better than me 关于英语里面的语法问题,主语.谓语等,他们在句中的关联和作用. 请教广东卷语法填空最后一空是both 还是all ,我填all ,可是目前的答案大抵都是both , 请教一句英语的中文意思Love what you do,shareit with others.