May ————(not do)the cleaning this afternoon because she is too tired

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 19:45:41
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—May I listen to the music here,Mr.White?A.not to do B.not do C.don’t do D.not do to May ————(not do)the cleaning this afternoon because she is too tired 选择方框中所给的单词或短语完成句子.may;may be;probably;possible方框中的单词:may;may be;probably;possible、句子:1.——What are you going to do this weekend,Lucy?——I‘m not sure,I( )go to the cinema 英语翻译Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century,but—regardless of whether it is or isn’t—we won’t do much about it.We will argue over it and may even,as a nation,make some fairly solemn-sounding we do not need to 原题是这样的:this may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells ————we do not need to be。 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空.My mother (not do)housework in the morning.My mother —— (not do)housework in the morning.因该~第三人称单数。not do 是所给单词 What may the teachers not do意思是什么快 着急 I do not think there is ————(某人)in the classroom do not open the door,—— ——(好吗)怎么填 You‘d better not ——————(吓唬)the dog ,or he may bite you —Do you know where my friend is?—I'm not sure.He ____ in the toilet.A.may Bmaybe D.may beMany birds fly away because plants die and insects hide __ coldness ___ winter.A.away;in B.from;in Caway;on D.from;on ----Amazing!You ——wear slippers at work.---Do not you know it is a fashion?A must B should C can D may 用所给词的适当形式填空 The — (thief) do not like the policemen 英语该同义句He is not enough to do the heavy work(改为同义句)He is —— —— to do the heavy work. ——You ____ stop me.——Even if you ____ it ,I won't allow you to swim across the riverA.mustn't;dare not doB.may;dare not doC.can;dare to doD,needn't;dare do是选D么?为什么? why do not you turn off the lights before you leave the classroom?(改为同意句)— —you turn off the lights before —the classroom? Do not worry.The bus ____(come)———(step)on the snakes is very dangerous.The sun _____(shine)in as we opened the window. Most people do not go to work___.A.on May the first B.on the May of the first