请大家分析后面那句,a monstrous...negligence咋理解?turned、in their locks在里面是什么意思?In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest; but when she got out at her own floor,both were forgotten in her sudden discovery th

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 13:58:48
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请大家分析后面那句,a monstrous...negligence咋理解?turned、in their locks在里面是什么意思?In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest; but when she got out at her own floor,both were forgotten in her sudden discovery th 请大家帮分析后面那句,Whatever在里面起什么作用?中的2个 it 分别指的是什么?整句怎么分析语法?One does not have to go outside for amusement,since the collection is housed at home.(Whatever it consists of stamps,records, 人生自古谁无死,后面那句 请帮分析一个英语句子成分!---It seems that he was succeeded at last in the USA.---Yeah,but you can never imagine what a hard life he has experienced.后面一句imagine后缺成分,应该是宾语从句,那后面的what a hard life he has 请分析一下这个汉语句子的结构“他收到了一束花,附带的礼品盒里还有一只兔子和一份贺卡.”请分析一下这句话里逗号后面那句是什么成份,有什么作用. 请大家帮忙分析这个句子They will come back after four days .句中的after four days 是介词短语做状语吗?还有这个句子:To do such a job we need a better knowledge.书上说To do such a job是主语,那we在句中充当什么 新概念3.41课 films or plays are only 后面那句具体怎么分析? 请帮我分析下这几个英语句子结构,主谓宾,the girl gave her mother a free dress once a weel.这是新概念2里32课的最后一句,主语是the girl,谓语是gave,请问宾语是什么呢,是her mother吗,那后面的a free dress是什 请高手帮忙分析本句语法This moment will nap,you will have a dream; But this moment study,you will interpret a dream.will 为什么要加will今晚就要,那为什么后面的没有?But this moment study 物理学,热力学一道题,求高手大家对比一下这两道题,压强减小对外做正功,那么我认为2-24那道题(最后那张照片)A选项也是对的,请大家详细帮我分析谢谢 请分析此句的表语成分?请分析标语成分 “Albert Einstein was a famous professor of physics. ”阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是一位有此句的表语成分是那部分? 李白斗酒做百诗后面那句 长江后浪推前浪,后面那句是什么? 玉不琢不成器后面那句是什么? 路遥知马力,后面那句是什么? 人生自古谁无死后面那句是什么 人逢喜事精神爽后面那句是什么 人心齐,后面那句是什么?