in particular在句中怎么理解?是修饰谁的?D offers no grounds for questioning the economic soundness of historical costing in particular.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 01:34:16
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in particular在句中怎么理解?是修饰谁的?D offers no grounds for questioning the economic soundness of historical costing in particular. in particular中particular是什么词性? since things have changed in our culture toward people of my particular persuasion怎么理解of my particular persuasion怎么理解 in particular 做什么成分?The best-known quality of the British, and in particular of the English, is “reserve”中in particular 做什么成分,它作为副词短语,在句中好像又不是修饰动词也不是修饰形容词? 英语翻译FPA:Free from Particular Average 平安险 WPA:With Particular Average 水渍险 以上的“Particular”怎么理解解释啊 英语理解 In most of the oceans and seas some of the water is found to be flowing in a particular direction.句中to be flowing好陌生,这个不定式如何理解?为什么flow是ing形式?有意思!过去时?你的意思原来式子是:Pe In a particular branch fo learning?怎么翻译? 英语翻译Because of the uncertainty with regard to the exact location of an electron in an atom,at any particular time.在这里regard to 和理解.翻译! ae trapcode中particular中怎么没有“阴影”啊 in particular particularly区别 用in.particular造句 英语翻译用in particular in particular怎么造句?这里in particular的意思是 这里的意思是 请看清楚拉~ 英语翻译Is the Internet a disruptive technology in the education industry in general?And for Ivey's School of Information Management in particular?这是书上的课后问题 谁能分析下怎么理解? 在搭石这篇课文中怎么理解“紧走搭石慢过桥”这句俗语 在搭石这篇课文中怎么理解“紧走搭石慢过桥”这句俗语 中 拥在怀中直到他变冷这句歌词怎么理解? “自然经济是商品经济的形式”,在政治经济学中,这句怎么理解?