
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 08:23:35
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operated什么意思? operated什么意思 home-operated什么意思? incorporated和co-operated各什么意思 the dog was ___ at once用operated还是operated on用什么 non-operated dual pilot operated check valve 是个什么阀?如题 solenoid operated directional valve A visitor to a museum today would notice conspicuous changes in the way museums are operated.the way 在这里的意思.The two most important ingredients in making a cake are flour and sugar.句中的 in 放在这里有什么用?The principal met 这个该填什么呢?Iulie Thompson is the ▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁{invent} of battery-operated slippers快 The man has something wrong with his eyes and has to have them operated on.啥意思?前半句懂,从have them operated on不懂,这个them 是指的眼睛吗?是说眼睛需要做手术吗?请详细分析下这句和这个结构 my suggestion is that your father () on at once,said the doctor calmly.be operated will be operated should operated He asked the doctor about the man___a moment ago.求详解A.being operated B.operated C.to be operated on D.operated in doctors insisted that he( ) badly ill and that he( )right away.Awas,was operated B be,be operated on C was ,be operated on D be,was operated The sick man___now.A.is operating B.is operated C.is operate D.is being operated The patient asked to be operated on at once.operated 是非谓语动词吗? 英语翻译单杠杆和双杠杆功能上有什么区别杠杆式和扳手式哪个好用LEVER OPERATED OR POP TYPE这句我不理解是什么类型的安全阀30分 什么情况下要用形容词+ly的形式,什么时候可以几个形容词连着用啊?locally available technical resources 这里为什么要用副词locally,可以用local吗?independently operated manufacturing enterprise这里的independently