rather than let the children alone can only sit on the couch watching TV 这句话有没有错误?中文是“而不是让孩子独自坐在沙发上看电视”.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 15:19:15
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rather than B.more than C.let alone D.other than各是什么意思怎么用 Neglect the whole world rather than each love rather than the waste me to 这句有语法错误吗?不是说 rather than 之后加do You should be ready to wait it out,to let the fish come to you,rather than grabbing at it. 英语rather than语法!He practece playing the piano rather than playing tennis. You should let him read books rather than playing computer games.这里用rather than可以吗?Let's go hiking rather than staying at home.这里用rather than可以吗?如果用rather than,stay要加ing吗如果用rather than,也stay也可以用ing We'dbetter.strugglefor.the.future.rather.than.regret.for.the. rather/instead:You should let him read books rather than play computer games.为什么不用instead of You should let him read books ()play comeputer gamesA instead of B rather than I would do anything rather than let her get hurt是什么意思 I'd rather have the right man than right wedding. I would rather not take the chance than hurt her He rather than you loves the girl.中文翻译 I rather have you than the whole world的意思 :sad memories rather than to go to the forgotten smile: you rather than I_____ the snakes(be afraid of) He should answer the questions you A.instead B.rather than c.more than d.than )put the camera away,I just put it in the air and let it go....)put the camera away,I just put it in the air and let it go.A rather thanB had better Cwould rather Dinstead ofRather than 不是接doing吗?