26.They sat in their new car (comfortably) ________ than in the old one.27.Tom is studying Chi

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/18 12:36:51
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26.They sat in their new car (comfortably) ________ than in the old one.27.Tom is studying Chi They sat under the tree ____ (talk) about their future . SAT作文,Do people accomplish more when they are allowed to do things in their own way?应该用什么思路,采用哪些名人例子? althongh they had many difficulties in their they have their spoons in their hands这个是什么时态 They can carry their sons and d_____ in their pockets. they sat in the room _____ doing their homework.I hope my father _____ to see me tomorrow.Doing exercises is ____ to your eyes.Your parents ____ to America,didn't they? they sat down in a (s )line填哪个单词 They in this office and they like their 怎么填 七年级下册英语阅读理解Last weekend,the Greens spent their time together(一起).On Saturday morning they cleaned their house together.On Saturday afternoon they worked in the garden together.And on Saturday evening they sat in the living r 如何搜索英文诗歌的名称及作者Christmas Eve and twelve of the cleckNow they are al on their kneesAn elder said we sat in a flockBy the embers in hearthside ease They sat under the tree_____about their future(talk).要填talking,为什么不填to take They sat there silently,with their eyes ______(fix) on the lake ,saying nothing 翻译啊 they just sat there looking at one another over the rims of their mugs They sat there,___ about their lessons .A.talked B.to talk C.talking D.talk 英语翻译Sue has a bell on the neck of her pet cat.One hot day Ann and Nell sat on the grass in the shade of a big tree.They like to rock their dolls,and sing to them.The brave men in our boat are on their way to the ship.They will save the men in 猴哥SAT长难句分析有不懂的地方1.they have also embedded themslves so deeply in our consciousness that many individuals profess feeling closer to,and( more passionate) about them than their own primary relationships.为什么不用加are, 一道SAT改错题The company maintains computer systems for small (business,plus it will manage) their payroll accounts.a.b.businesses,in addition it will managec.businesses and managesd.businesses,and,additionally,they also managee.businesses,it ma