一:词汇题1)Having decided to rent a flat,we__contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.A)set upB)set down C)set out D)set about 2)When he realized the police had spotted him,the man__the exit as quickly asp

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 04:06:51
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一:词汇题1)Having decided to rent a flat,we__contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.A)set upB)set down C)set out D)set about 2)When he realized the police had spotted him,the man__the exit as quickly asp 初二基础训练题 They decide on the best place____lunch.A.have B.having C.to have D.has决定什么事情是有个词组:decide on doing sth.这题为什么不是选B啊、? 掩护上篮(打保险词汇一) 高一英语必修1词汇 1到10题,词汇, decide和decide on有什么区别?如题 六年级英语上册典中点专项一词汇1—5题特别是第一题 一、词汇运用 词汇题, 词汇 my classroom is on the (一) floor 1到10小题,词汇, 有关于decide的固定搭配或词组如题.比方说decide to do .或decide doing. 推荐一本雅思词汇 请过来人推荐一下考托福的参考书,词汇,模拟题等等请求重点推荐一本词汇, decided to do sth如果没有to 的话可以写成doing形式吗?例如:we decide ------(have)lunch at school.划横线是要填的、还有一题:how about ————fishing this weekend?sounds good. 考英语四级,是只背四级词汇,还是1-4级词汇都要背?如题 词汇与哪个词语搭配.词汇() 英文文法7题重组句子,然后每个句子里都要加 Wh-words+ to- infinitives 这个句式例题:Decide,essay,have,in,include,the,to,to,weWe have to decide what to include in the essay.1)use,can,engine,to,me,search,tell,you2)all,do,don