He thought about _(tell) her how to get to the supermarket.tell这个单词在上面这句话中用什么形式填空?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/20 16:15:34
x)HU(/M(QHL/-Q(ITH-R/W(WHO-Q% ťEE٩%z u/|cީ/>Ɏs/}~kOYdwÓO.zWI*ҧj~J/Pσg+(< >Yҧ]+Nrm δsv-k:M `S 5D)fGvP==̓ȋ_do= [_. tA7%RZK2 Lt
He didn't understand much,_ he always thought he understood everything.A.so B.and C.or D.but 同义句When will he get to the cinema?When will he _ _ the cinema?Don't worry about him.Don't _ _ _ him. 改错:He thought about go to Greece. he thought only about his work急用 he thought about it hard 还是hardly? he thought hard about it hard about 是什么? I___the headmaster would say something about my school report,but he didn't say anyting.是应该填Thought还是havethought?如果是have thought 为什么不是过去完成时 I must thank him because he helps me with my studies=I must thank him _ _ me with my studiesIsn't your skirt the same as hers?=_ your skirt _ _ hers?Don't worry about him.=Don't _ _ _ him.When will he get to the cinema?=When will he _ _ the cinema?Ho He thought about _(tell) her how to get to the supermarket.tell这个单词在上面这句话中用什么形式填空? Don't spit _ _ _ _(在公共场合)The public _ allowed _ _ about.(不允许随便乱扔垃圾)Where's your brother?Oh,he has gone to Dalian on b_. The more he thought about it ,the more questions he thought of ask.有一个错误, A man isn't 'beautiful',He's _ _ n _ _ _ _ _. I had thought that he knew everything about the plan,but___turned out,he didn't know anythingabout it.A.it B.what C.as it D.as he was so —— thought that he didn't see the pole on the roadA.buried inB.carsful withC.busy withD.serious about求详解 He _ told me about it. He thought about it for a few days l didn't know anything about it before he told me(保持句意) _ he told me ,l had no _ of it he thought about the problem for a few moments.thought about中的about是副词还是介词?