英语为什么要What are you doing?而不是What do you doing?我经常把are和do 弄混 他们的他们有什么区别吗在什么情况下用are 什么情况下用do?还有什么情况下用did 什么情况下用were?

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 09:58:11
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英语what are you going to do in the futureWhat are you going to do in the future?-I'd like to be a doctor__you are A.so B.as C.what D.when为什么选 what are you doing,为什么要用are? tell me____ A what are you reading B what do you reading C what you are reading D you are reading选哪个,为什么? is this ____looking for?A.what you are B.what were you C.which you are D.you are选什么 为什么 what--------are you?I come from the USA A、nationality B、state C、country D、home要为什么 What are you doing为什么要加ing What were you thinking,为什么要用were不用are 麻烦帮忙看看下面的英语句子为什么选择Bit is important to realize what kind of person you are,which special qualities( )you outstanding among people and what you areinterested in.A.helps B.makes C.make D.help 是what is you name 还是what are you name为什么 you 前面不是加are吗?为什么啊 他的名字是什么 用英语怎么说? What nationality are you?or What nationality is he?what nationality are you?what nationality is his?what nationality is he?what nationality are he /his?哪个对哪个错了,为什么.英语不太懂 what are you doing 英语怎么说 英语作文 what are you doing? What are you afraid of英语作文 what are you doing 为什么不是is? You should tell your father______.A.what you are reading B.what are you readingC.what you reading D.what did you read为什么选a 详解这个语法. 英语选择_____________-----I'm still doing itA.What are you designing?BHow are you Cwhat are you D.How is your homework doing now What ( A.do you seeing B.are you looking C.doyou look D.a...What ( A.do you seeing B.are you looking C.doyou look D.are you looking 为什么 这个英语题到底选什么?-----_______________?-----I'm in Row Five.A.Are you in Row Five?B.What Row are you in?C.What row are you?D.What row are you in?希望知道的不要只告诉我一个答案,也不要复制别人的,我要具体说明.