一道难度英语选择题.Don't make a____of finishing the work.It's only what you should do.A.pride B.grant C.trophy D.merit我觉得A也可以呀,为什么选择D.不要做完了这个工作就骄傲,因为这本来就是你应该做的!(是这

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 02:08:53
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一道难度英语选择题.Don't make a____of finishing the work.It's only what you should do.A.pride B.grant C.trophy D.merit我觉得A也可以呀,为什么选择D.不要做完了这个工作就骄傲,因为这本来就是你应该做的!(是这 一道初一英语选择题Jodie ()in Shanghai.A.don't B.doesn'tC.isn't一道英语选择题. 一道英语选择题I think they know little about it,_______?A.don‘t they B.do they C.do I D.don't I 帮我做一道英语选择题,We don't know____your face.A.with B.to C.from 一道关于make的英语选择题she can't___the idea that old people can't be beautiful?A.make B.think C.ask D.stand为什么句子是什么意思? 英语选择题八上这几道题选哪个每一道选择题的选项最好给出什么意思、什么考点、以及相关知识、谢谢!1、I don‘t want to make my weekend quite _____.A、busy B、busier C、busiest D、the busier2、I want to p 一道虚拟语气英语选择题,I wish you _____like tha.A.don't talk B.won't talk C.wouldn't talk D.not to talk 一道英语选择题,请说明原因.The sergeant looked sharply into the eyes of the conscript standing before him and snapped,__________ the same mistake again!a.Don't you makeb.Do not you makec.You not make d.Make you not Don't make a don't make any don't make this Don't make 一道英语选择题(关于:why 的用法的..we are going camping.why ( ) with us?A:don't come B:not you comeC:not come D:not 一道英语选择题,很简单的.My brother don't know ( )you called.A. where B. that貌似是宾语从句. 请教一道英语选择题并说明原因________ him much.A.I like B.I don't like C.I liked D.Everybody likes 一道英语选择题,Has your uncle given up smoking?I don't think so.He_____ at a dinner partyA.was smokingB.is smokingC.has smokedD.would smoke 请教一道初三英语选择题:---l don't think the lemon cookies are well-made---No, they are the_ I have ever tastedA. worst B. best 一道英语选择题:It is kind of ___ to play on the street.So don't do that.A.shy B.beautiful C.cute D.dangerous