两个关于定语从句的问题,Is there anything___I can do for you.答案是who/that/whom,不是说只有先行词是人才能用who吗,而且为什么可以用whom?I don't mind___ he said just now.答案是which/that.不是说只有先行词

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 20:07:44
xRMo@++!q'iR(qUiI Q*jK)Muj^ zKH8 qٙ7Y + >B験ͲZM<֪Rɚ吪K^-4L&ArL7ll3 cL[>J]IOPƒn_l/s&D!D bPwe9O<{#SEĮUm8FF}Ή`j ?OGi5:T I`)N RLCIѿ3~7~JK QFtdKÖhqڽ?{TNpn%va1H5jAOs#.cfPQYG\l!v[Ė BAp9r:/pC[D@Bio
问个关于定语从句的问题:如何去判断定语从句中缺少宾语最近学关于关系副词和关系代词时碰到的问题,老师说定语从句中若缺少宾语就用关系代词,不缺就用关系副词.例如说:Yes,There is one 限制定语从句语法问题急求关于限制性定语从句的一些语法问题 简单的关于定语从句的问题定语从句什么情况下可省去 两个关于定语从句的问题,Is there anything___I can do for you.答案是who/that/whom,不是说只有先行词是人才能用who吗,而且为什么可以用whom?I don't mind___ he said just now.答案是which/that.不是说只有先行词 一个简单的定语从句问题.在线等.在定语从句中,there be 句型后,亦用who还是that? 英语关于定语从句的问题he is the man____owns the restaurantA which B whose C whom D who 关于定语从句疑问句的一个很小问题 Is there any question on the blackboard you can answer?Is there any question you can answer on the blackboard?There are many people in china can do Yoga.There are many people can do yoga in china.Which 关于定语从句的问题The tree which I planted is taller than the house.和 I planted a tree which is taller than the house.这两个是一样的还是有点不同?应该都是定语从句吧!意思都一样吧,还是有一个句子是对的一 Here is ... There is ...开头的句子中定语从句的引导词用什么 There is a car that is waiting outside中that引导的是定语从句么 关于初中定语从句的问题什么时候定语从句引导词一定要用that;什么时候不能用that? 关于reason和why的从句!While it may not be wise ,there is no legal reason why your plan cannot be carried out.请问这里why 引导的是定语从句还是同位语从句?如何区分定语从句和同位语从句呢?关于reason和why的典型 关于定语从句的一个问题This is the school__where____I studied three years ago.This is the school___that____we visited last year.为什么第二个句子不能用where? is there any question ___troubles you much? 定语从句 Do you know the man?He is standing there(利用定语从句将两个句子合并成主从复合句) 英语关于疑问句定语从句的问题看到Is this coat /factory.老师说要还原.可是一会儿是This is ___+定语从句.一会又是This ___is___the one +定语从句,怎么区别?什么时候是This is 什么时候用This____is? 定语从句的省略问题如何回答? than 比较状语从句的问题there were more casualties than was reported.don't give him more money than is needed. 不能划到定语从句里面吗? 我觉得好象可以,又好象不对劲.