Let's hope the sunny weather for Saturday's tennis match.Let’s hope the sunny weather for Saturday’s tennis match. A.keeps up B. picks up C. closes up D. clears up为什么选A 谢谢大家

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 09:34:08
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Let's hope the sunny weather for Saturday's tennis match.Let’s hope the sunny weather for Saturday’s tennis match. A.keeps up B. picks up C. closes up D. clears up为什么选A 谢谢大家 24.Let's hope the sunny weather for Saturday's tennis match.24.Let’s hope the sunny weather for Saturday’s tennis match.A.keeps up B.picks up C.closes up D.clears up25.If you want to see a doctor,you fix a date with him ahead of time.That is a co It is sunny.Let's fly kites in the park,_shall we_____?为什么填shall we? It will be sunny tomorrow,so let's go c_in the forest 1、I hear taht Hong Kong is a good place to go (s )(填空完成单词)3、I hope the (w )in Beijing is sunny this weekend.2、They want(cook)real English food.(用正确形式填空)4、Let me (help) you(often)the window Let's d.money to Project Hope. Let's hope the new job works out well for him 选择题Let’s hope the weather before Saturday.A.controls B.increases C.rises D.improves Let me get back to you when the schedule is fixed,Let's hope to meet again. 3.It's twelve o'clock.Let's have().4.Betty,get up and ()the bed.5.It's sunny today.Let's wash the()再括号里填上合适的单词, 1.i hope (go) to the movies with you.2.it's sunday today.let's go (shop) the chinese football team will join the match ,Let's ____them successA.hope B.wish C.expect D.suppose The day after sunday is_______.It's twelve o'clock.Let's have______.Betty,get up and______.It's sunny today.Let's wash the______.答案好偶会加薪给你滴!快啊,在2月7日前必须答案啊. The rainy season is coming and let’s make full use of the __ days to dry whatever is needed beforeA few last sunny B last few sunny C last sunny few D sunny last few很急啦 大家帮帮啦 谢谢 读句子,打√或×判断对错.It's windy.Let's fly a kite.It's rainy.Let's play football.It's cold.put on your T-shirt.It's 8:00 in the evening.It's time for breakfast.It's cloudy.Take your raincoat.It's hot.Let's makeasnowman.It's sunny.Put on Let's take the let`s skip the let's call the