帮我看看这句话是否有语法问题Learning how to overcome frustrations through practicing in daily life made me be patient with everyday troubles.打算做topic sentence,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/15 09:35:32
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英语的问题.帮我看看这句话的语法是否正确i am more and more lover you 帮我看看这句话是不是有问题. 帮我看看这句话是否有语法问题Learning how to overcome frustrations through practicing in daily life made me be patient with everyday troubles.打算做topic sentence, 帮我看看句式对不对...why are outsourced of Process1 and Process3?why Process1 and Process3 are outsourced?这两句话语法有没有问题, 帮我看看句式对不对...why are outsourced of Process1 and Process3?why Process1 and Process3 are outsourced?这两句话语法有没有问题, 帮我看看这句话有没有语法问题English is a language that most of the people in this world use to communicate 帮我看看这句话语法有没有问题They(指上文的两种工作) need employees in different both qualities and quantities. 英语高手帮我看看这句话语法有问题么when he had arrived in the supermarket ,he did not know which kind of water he should bought.这句话传说过去式不是和过去完成时搭配么 帮我看看 这是语法问题沛公则置车骑项王则受壁,置之座上.他们的含义有何不同 病句,帮我看看待到年长,当他们刚刚意识到有足够脚力的时候,也就给自己负上了一笔沉重的宿债,焦渴地企盼着对诗境实地的踏访.据说这句话有语法问题,帮我看看哪错了.麻烦再帮我改出来. 英语高手帮我看看这句话的语法有没有问题,是虚拟语气的People wish that by imitating some aspects of famous star,they might have become a part of fasion. 英语达人进来帮我看看这句话有语法问题吗!I had to contend whit a long lines before I could get a taxi at the airport 问:lines 的s是不是应该去掉啊! 大家帮我看看这句话有没有语病 请英语高手看看这句话语法有问题没All this presented new safety problems. 我有篇作文 能帮我看看语法么 请大家帮我看看这句话有没有语法错?有的话求改,raising baby in the home is a distortion to woman's ability. things would happen to change in a moment 大家帮我看看这句话有没有问题能否翻译 语文老师来下看看这句话有问题不孩子,能帮我老太太买2斤蜂蜜糖糕吗?