根据这些词写出疑问句,要求用上Is或are句子:1、(interesting/your job?)2、(the shops/open today?)3、(interested in sport/you?)4、(near here/the post office?)5、 (why/you/late?)

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 16:36:16
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根据这些词写出疑问句,要求用上Is或are句子:1、(interesting/your job?)2、(the shops/open today?)3、(interested in sport/you?)4、(near here/the post office?)5、 (why/you/late?) 根据英语释义写出这些单词或词组fall 在线等急、、、回答最好详细点 模仿英语句子,写出疑问句,并回答.选用He She It a 或an比如:This is a Volvo.Swedish (French)回答:Is it a swedish car ar a french car?It isn't a french car.It's a swedish car1:This is Nao 写出这些词的过去式或现在式:is ,grew,cut ,come,does. 什么is the from?_It's from Linda.根据答语,写出疑问句 根据回答写出相应的一般疑问句! 根据课文内容写一个句子,要求用上“因为.所以.” Today is Monday .Tomorrow is ( ) .根据句意或提示,写出句中所缺单词 将下列句子或词组翻译成英文1.有害和无害的_________________2.百科全书________________3.这些手提包是皮革制成的______________4.我想买两块面包__________________根据要求改写句子1.My husband is as tall as my 用上这些词写一个排比句 用上欢跃 小巷 吟诵 行色匆匆这些词 根据括号内的要求,改写下列句子(初一英语)My name is Tina.(改为一般疑问句)I am Nick.(改为一边疑问句) 根据功能写出这些房间的名字 英语作文:介绍某人的运动情况或方式题目是这样的Think of a famous person.lmagine what his or her lifestyle is like.write about him or her try to use some of the words in the box.还要求写作文的时候用上一下这些单词 要求写出与字母或单词读音相同的词 根据要求写出下列句子1.this is a nice picture(改为一般疑问句)2,I am eleven(对划线部分提问,eleven是划线部分)3.My cat is biack(对划线部分提问,black是划线部分)4.Is that you coat(作肯定回答) That is funny name 写出反义疑问句 根据句意及首字母或汉语意思写出单词.China is in A_____.