Dr.Nai Smith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor.句中to be played做什么句子成份

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:58:06
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Dr.Nai Smith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor.句中to be played做什么句子成份 dr Dr dr 外国女人结婚后姓名如何称呼?比如她本身姓Smith,但是嫁的人姓Black,那么是称呼她为Dr Smith还是Dr Black? Has Mary got a high fever?Does Dr.Smith feel very well? 句子划分I have an appointment with Dr.Smith 这个句子的谓语是什么 Dr Smith trained her fish to ring a bell when they wanted food怎么翻译? Dr.Smith found that huge dinosaur fossil in Asia 怎样改成被动语态 will someone go and get Dr Smith He's already been sent for.请翻译. 英语翻译User Dr.John SmithDermatology Assigned Procedures General Medicine CryotherapyIf somebody sets up a Clinic that Dr.John Smith is assigned to (assume that Dr.John Smith is the only user assigned to this particular Clinic),the only type of 英语问题Dr Naismith created a game to be played on a hard wooden floor 为什么to be played,在句中作什么成分,可以换为played 完成句子:Dr.Smith,what do you think-------a good meal?史密斯博士,你认为一顿营养全面的饭应该包括什么?Dr.Smith,what do you think-------a good meal?(go) Dr.Smith lives ____21______.选哪个Dr.Smith lives ________ 21 ________.A.at ,the Fifth Avenue B.at ,Fifth Avenue C.on,the Fifth Avenue D.in,Fifth Avenue 1、Dr.King died 10 minutes ago同义句转换Dr.King ------ ---- ----- ------10 minutes.2、Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the tower.划线部分提问 画线:a plane hit the tower-------- -------- Kate Smith -------- ------- mov 史密斯医生叫汤姆戒酒.(翻译句子) Dr.Smith asked Tom to()()()wine. Dr Smith was first invited to work in the hospital( ).A for five yearsB five years ago 请问1.Do you think a cat understands people's gestures than does a dog?为什么是does a dog而不是a dog does?2.Perhapes nobody has contributed more to the education than has Dr.Smith.为什么是 has Dr.Smith而不是Dr.Smith has?A whal