来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/13 19:15:23
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WHAT __WE DO FOR MUM填什么字? __we will do is to leave a note to tell Mum we will be back late 选what 还是that 为什么? WHAT _WE DO FOR MUM填什么字 we'rehungrry,mum!what's for'supper mum,is there anything ( ) I can do for you?Amum,is there anything ( ) I can do for you?A.that B.who C.what D.which mum is making tea for us 用what 提问 mum,i'm huangry.what's for dinner it's not as oily as what mum cooks for ( ) __we like bananas ? A,Do B, Does Yes,you're right.What______we do for Mum,Nancy? What time do you except me back,Mum.////////,Say,half an hourA,at.B,before,C,in.D,for,选哪个,理由 回答下列句子 Where is the bird?what are you going to do for your mum on Mothr’s Day?where are they going to have lunch? 根据对话情景补全所缺单词.原文:Mum:jeff!It is half past sven.Please______upjeff:oh!_____are my school clothes?Mum:they are on zhe chair.what do you like for ______jeff:...mum:today is ________.jeff:really?then,________go shopping,mum.I 根据提供的情景,完成下面对话 Sandy和妈妈正在家里准备明天野餐要带的东西,如照相机、食品等.Mum:What do you need for tomorrow's picnic?Sandy:I need( ).Mum:Anything else?Sandy:I need( ),too.Mum:Do you need( Sandy:Yes. 阅读对话,根据首字母填空Andy:What's the d( 1) today,Mum?Mum:It's D( 2) 22nd.It's Saturday today.W( 3 ) do you ask this?Andy:Well,C( 4) is coming.This is one of my favourite festivals.I must get r(5) for it.Mum:W(6) are you goingtodo for it? Mum is coming.what present do you expect she has got for your birthday?expect 后面是不是省略了THAT?Mum is coming.What present ____for your birthday?A.you expect she has got B.you expect has she got C.do you expect she has got D.do you expect Do you believe what l said?Mum asked her son.(改为宾语从句)Mum asked her son_____he______what she said. the teacher has told us something __we should do in the summer holiday.A:which B:that C:who D:what 选择填空,说明为什么选它