英文写作高手帮我完成这篇短文……In this section,you are asked to write a composition with no less than 80 words.Your composition is entitled The Importance of Newspaper,including the following parts我英文很差,看来大概的题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 11:33:02
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英文写作高手帮我完成这篇短文……In this section,you are asked to write a composition with no less than 80 words.Your composition is entitled The Importance of Newspaper,including the following parts我英文很差,看来大概的题 请高手帮我看看这篇英文短文翻译正确吗? 请哪位高手帮我写篇英语短文:what do you think sucess in life really mean 英语短文填空高手好心人帮我 高手帮我写一篇英文短文,关于中国贫困山区教育的,300字 哪个高手帮我弄一篇介绍 七夕 的英文短文,200个单词左右越快越好 高分请英语高手帮我写篇短文,六到八句话即可短文内容见附件 请高手帮忙修改英语短文英语比较烂 帮忙我提高英语写作 帮我找出文章中的错误 小弟我不甚感激~ 英语翻译It doesn't make sense to quarrel with her.In despair… 请大家帮我翻译这句英文! 大神来帮我做一下这篇英文短文填词! 谁可以帮我找到这篇短文填空并完成短文填空 because of the influence of s American economics是开头 帮我写篇英文短文living in the city写出1the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city2your own view 请高手帮我写一篇英语短文故事 求英语高手帮我做个短文填空 英语高手帮下我,短文贴空 求高手帮写一下英文短文 How do you work in a good team?要具体点,比较详细的. 求大神帮我提供一篇英语作文假如你参加《中学生英语报》的英文写作比赛,请按如下要求完成一篇短文;1.简要描述下图内容;2.分析现状并说明该现象可能导致的后果;3.给出你的观点 第一天上学的英文短文我的一道英文题Do you remember the first day of school?When was it?Write about the day?应该要用过去式吧?=哪个英文高手帮我写篇= =一楼亲我要的是短文= =不是句子= =句子我也会改= =