
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 01:03:32
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attachment什么意思啊 [attachment=87310]什么意思? please refer to attachment 什么意思 纺织词汇:Lycra attachment什么意思 attachment appendix annex 区别请问attachment,appendix和annex之间有些什么区别啊? prejudgment attachment是什么意思啊 attachment attachment,accessory,enclosure这三个词有什么区别attachment,accessory,enclosure这三个词都有附件的意思,他们有什么区别 Fork and attachment adaptation, operation and use limitations什么意思,关于叉车的 Pl stamp and sign invoice and send by e-mail attachment什么意思 they should be in the attachment 的意思是什么? Attachment是什么意思? attachment是什么意思 attachment是什么意思 请告诉我这句英文的意思,谢谢(急用啊)It's the long-awaited film version of the Broadway hit. The message sent as a binary attachment.还有这句:The message contains Unicode characters and has been sent as a binary attachment. 邮件被退回来的英文能帮忙看看什么意思吗Remote host said:552 5.7.0 review our attachment guidelines.v2si9793990wfd.155 [BODY]--- Below this line is a copy of the message 几个单词英译汉textured griip attachment head curved shape maximizes control的中文意思 as attachment 用法是怎样的as attachment的是怎样用的它在下面这个句子中充当什么成分?Please check as attachment the proforma attachment 在上面的句子中是作为定语还是其他的成分 为什么要放在the