Lily is _______ of the two girl.A. tall B. taller C. the taller D. the tallest

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:16:04
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根据图示和表格将下列各句补充完整.1、John is the _______ of these children.2、Sally's hair is the _______and Cindy's hair is the _______ of the three girls.3、Tony is the _______ and _______ of these children.4、Lily is t —I won’t go to the party unless Lily _______.A invites B is invited Lily has never been to Hainan,_______ she?( ) Lily’s never been to Hainan,________ she? B.isn’t C.has D.hasn’t说明理由 Lily is 16 years old.Tom is only 11.同义句Lily ______ ______ _______ _______Tom.(不用写isn't as old as,这个我会) ----Is the new dress _______?------Sorry,I don't know.A,Lily's or Lucy's B,Lily and Lucy's Lily won't join us in the picnic,for she is going to _______ her sick mother at home? Lily is _______ of the two girl.A. tall B. taller C. the taller D. the tallest Which of the two _______ books Lily’s ---Lily didn’t do well at school.---Don’t worry.Let’s help her make a study plan.If she works hard,I think she _______ catch up with sure sure to sure of D.makes sure to Lily is behind me.(同义句) Lily ______ ______ _______ ______ me.(急用) May I speak to Lily?_______,please.Lily,this is your phone. 1.Do you think Julia a________(talent) girl?---Yes,I do.2.Mary is _______(trendy) than Lily.3.Look at the panda.How________(slow) it is walking!4.The bottle has the_______(little) water of the three.5.Everything is_______(light) on the moon than on t Lucy is thinner than Lily ,but Lily is t _____than Lucy? 英语题目,着急!111.She has a black bag.Her sister has one,too.She has _______ _______ bag _______ her sister.2.Lucy is quiet. Lily is quiet,too.______ _______ _______ ______ are quiet.3.Don't be late for school next time.______ ________ _______ Lily is the best of the three girls.同义句:Lily is better than_______________ Lily usually stays at home.She doesn't like goinggoing后面填介词2.Nurses look after the sick people well in the hospital.(保持原句意思)Nurses _______ good _______ of the sick people in the hospital. Lily is going home .The sun is hurting her eyra .It is _______ .写天气 Lily needn't finish her homework today.(改为同义句) Lily _______ finish her homework today该填什么?