强调句还是定语从句The very first time that Joe saw the film "ET" directed by Steven Spielberg, he made up his mind to become a director too.请问整句话是强调句还是说“that Joe saw the film "ET" directed by Steven Spielberg”是

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 13:01:27
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It is the very book that I want to find for my trip.这是强调句还是定语从句?我认为这个既可以看作强调句,强调the very book,去掉it is...that,这个句子变为I want to find the very book for my trip.语法上好像没有错 关于定语从句和强调句的辨别!这句话是强调句还是定语从句?It is the place where America invests its money.强调句可不可以用where作关联词修饰? It's the subject that I am best at.此句英文是强调句还是定语从句 It is the museum that we visited last year.是定语从句还是强调句?老师说是定语从句,我感觉不像啊. it was the first time that he experienced.为什么用THAT 不用WHEN ,是强调句还是定语从句呢 It was my brother that/who organized the party last night.这句话是强调句还是定语从句? 强调句与定语从句的区别 怎么区别强调句和定语从句 怎么区别强调句和定语从句 It is the dog that killed me.这句算强调句还是定语从句?强调句:就是这只狗杀了我定语从句:它是杀了我的那只狗 强调句还是定语从句The very first time that Joe saw the film ET directed by Steven Spielberg, he made up his mind to become a director too.请问整句话是强调句还是说“that Joe saw the film ET directed by Steven Spielberg”是 It is I who am wrong.是强调句还是定语从句,还是都是?为什么? 英语强调句和定语从句有什么区别和联系?It was he who helped me.这是强调句还是定语从句? 定语从句和强调句有什么区别?强调句和定语从句的区别 强调句与定语从句区别请问怎么区分强调句与定语从句,谢谢! 强调句型和定语从句It was a city whose hospitals were gone.这句话是定语从句还是强调句,具体理由给出吧 怎样区别强调句和定语从句、状语从句? This is the most interesting book that l have ever read此句是定语从句还是强调句型分析一下原因,is that引导的定语从句与强调句型的区别,另外,定语从句中,套用强调句型如何判别谁前谁后,为什么,