英语翻译6.Uptake of Hydrocarbons by BiosurfactantsBiosurfactants are heterogeneous group of surface active chemical compounds produced by a wide variety of microorganisms [57,58,60,81–83].Surfactants enhance solubilization and removal of contam

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英语翻译6.Uptake of Hydrocarbons by BiosurfactantsBiosurfactants are heterogeneous group of surface active chemical compounds produced by a wide variety of microorganisms [57,58,60,81–83].Surfactants enhance solubilization and removal of contam 英语翻译1,Anthracycline–Formaldehyde Conjugates and Their Targeted Prodrugs2,Formaldehyde Inaetivation of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus.Conditions for the Preparation of Safe Vaeeine 3.REACTION OF CARBAZOLE WITH FORMALDEHYDE.REACTIONS OF N- HYDR 英语翻译In addition,we found CRE1-repression of nitrogenous substances uptake,components of chromatin remodeling and the transcriptional mediator complex,as well as developmental processes. 英语翻译Many drugs modify processes that occur in the synapse.Cocaine,for example,blocks neuronal uptake carriers,prolonging the action of neurotransmitters. 英语翻译N-specific NH4+ uptake rates中的N-specific是什么意思? 英语翻译The wastage occurring through storage,conveyance anddistribution ultimately results in delivery of 30–35% of storedwater for plant uptake (Patil,1988; Anbumozhi et al.,2001).The traditional flood or ridge and furrow method of irrigating 英语翻译Sustainable management and use of natural resources at the global level will require the progressive uptake of a recognised system of accounting for the resources consumed by each country,both within its territory and abroad via imports. Carbon uptake 英语翻译VDAC2 and aldolase A identified as membrane proteins of K562cells with increased expression under iron deprivationAbstract:We have shown previously that iron deprivationsignificantly stimulates the uptake of non-transferrinferric iron f 英语翻译1、In coronary vessels,intense tracer uptake in the adjacent myocardium combined with limited spatial resolution of PET limits plaque imaging with 18F-FDG PET.2、thickness of the fibrous cap being,100 mm,makes their characterization cha 英语翻译119.0 g of cyclopentyl bromide and 19.4 g of magnesium are reacted in ether or THF to give a cyclopentyl Grignard reagent.The best yields are obtained if the ether solvent is distilled from the Grignard under vacuum and replaced with hydr 英语翻译1.IntroductionWater uptake in epoxy systems is a challenging issue due to the irreversible changes that water operates on the polymer properties.It is believed and there are enough experimental evidences that entrance of water induces:(a) 英语翻译1、A sharp step increase in nitrogen uptake in the relative pressure (P/P0) range of 0.3–0.5 for most of samples represents a typical mesoporous feature.2、The isomorphous substitution of nickel ions into the silica framework is also 英语翻译3.Results and discussion3.1.Water uptake and diffusion coefficientsGravimetric results are presented in Fig.1 were the frac-tional amount of water is plotted against t1/2.In Fig.2,the water content measured by FT-NIR for the different sam 求翻译一句话,英语强的进来!Effect of interactions of different levels of soil moisture and potassium on the dry matter production and potassium uptake by Hordeum vulgate (barley) in different soils 求教mass-market uptake怎么翻译? 生物英语词汇strategy I plant这个是啥意思,看一篇文章的题目是progress inunderstanding the molecular regulation of iton uptake in stategy I plant,前面的我都明白,但最后这个词组是啥意思, 英语翻译The propensity for 1 to bind to DNA and also selectivelyaccumulate within cancer cells in an intact manner promptedus to investigate its uptake and bio-distribution withinindividual A549 human lung carcinoma cells and also itseffect on en