请帮忙填一个空We may get something about people's life style by their (prefer)______ method of payment.请用词的正确形式填空,并翻译!

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 10:24:52
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请帮忙填一个空We may get something about people's life style by their (prefer)______ method of payment.请用词的正确形式填空,并翻译! We may get a headache when we can't get e_ sleep.空填什么 help!初三英语we are leaving for home next week really? why__?A. so early B.so quickly C.so soon D.so slowly_for him, he has _ daughters.第一个空填lucky还是luckily?请说明原因,谢谢 If we are quick enough,we can__ before nine o'clock We don't need to __ the park so earlyA.get,reach,B.get to,get C.arrive,arrive in D.arrive,reach老师说第一个空填arrive,因为arrive是不及物动词,可是不及物动词不是后面不可 一个初一的英语问题,超级简单,在线等!We should make our hometown ______(get)more beautiful and more beatiful.横线上应该填什么啊?是get还是gets?或者其他,在线等!请大家帮忙! 课本上让组一个成语:一( )知秋,请朋友们帮忙填一下空. () it went so ( ),we are going to have another fashion show next year!第一个空填therefore或since或so 第二个空填well或good 请大家帮忙看看(没有填的那个空) 请英语达人帮忙看一下这道英语词汇题.The conclusion,then,is that the pleasure we get from life is ____ ours to control.这是上海今年春季高考十选九的最后一空,答案是primarily,不明白为什么这里填副词,请解 We can get i_____ from the Internet.空的地方怎么填 We can get something d____ to eat in that snack bar.空怎么填啊 Peter is an honest man,so we t__ him中间空的怎么填? 请填一下空 帮忙填下两个空 [ ]diffcult the task may be,we will try our best to complete intime前面那个空填什么 我们可以回家了,不是吗? 翻译 we may go home now,_____? 空里怎么填? We may not get to see each other中的get let us get( )this time machine and find ( ).英语好的帮忙翻译一下,顺便把空填了,急用