请高手帮我看看这句话对么It means more responsibility that is benificial to my future caree development高手看看这句话对么?当中的that可以变成which么which 和 that有什么区别么?什么时候两个都可以用?什么时

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:29:52
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请高手帮我看看这句话对么It means more responsibility that is benificial to my future caree development高手看看这句话对么?当中的that可以变成which么which 和 that有什么区别么?什么时候两个都可以用?什么时 It may be in possible that she will be my girl friend.请各位高手帮我看看这句话有什么错误吗? 请高手帮我看看这是什么蝴蝶. 请英语高手帮我看看这句话是不是病句 It's never too late to at any time from the beginning an beautiful life请英语高手帮我看看这句话是不是病句,尤其是“to”、“at”这里,如果是病句,意思是:“美丽的 请帮我看看这句话我写得对吗?Could I help to you fill in it?中文背景是:我能帮你填写吗? 麻烦帮我看看这句话有没有语法错误Deterioration could lead to decreasing the minimum performance period of building materials,which means that the materials will not last till what it was expected to. 有个字体我不懂,请高手帮我看看 英语高手们帮我看看这句话吧,Electorates are unlikely to be more forgiving 有个客户下单后说了这句话,PLACE DELIVERY ON BACK DECK .请高手们帮我看看啥意思哈, 英语翻译the adequacy of the notion of “noteworthiness” to fulfil the central role it plays in Nunberg’s account.Recall that noteworthiness means,那位高手帮我翻译一下这句话 请高手帮我看看这句英语怎么写!(有些事情我到现在还不明白),就这句请高手帮我看看, 请高手帮我看看这是什么诗我看不懂?一个衣服上的 请帮我看看这句话是表语从句还是状语从句?Go and get your coat.It's ( where ) you left it. 请帮我看看这句话正确吗it is commonly maintained that the more advanced a society,the more energy it will be needed. 英语翻译请帮我看看这句话有没有语病,以及翻译这句话 请高手帮我看看这篇英文短文翻译正确吗? 几个不认识的篆字请高手帮我看看这几个是什么字. 请高手帮我看看这是什么牙,是不是狼牙