
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/09 03:06:05
xݑj@F_Eb:ARKZKDRT6̝̬ tQpBw9\l`*|v !0oHp[7rNXݡ\5A.lgW88ouȓ -Fyxwst09j5BHYsMˬ7gOrB)l|L72taǬ5`nx
家教里有首歌的开头是:“he啦he啦he啦躲嘛咦o既路四啊哇涩”恩,就记得这句.那首歌叫什么?【需要】会一两句,但不知首歌叫什么.是111集家教的片尾曲!1111 求男生英文名 H开头,最好是He开头的,谢啦. 求一首英文歌.hu he he hu he he he he he 开头的!我记得以前有首英文歌挺好听的,但是现在歌名忘了!只记得是 hu he he ,hu he he he he hehu he he ,hu he he he he he 开头的..然后就唱了..是个女的唱的..知道说 求一首英文歌.hu he he hu he he he he he 开头的!我记得以前有首英文歌挺好听的,但是现在歌名忘了!只记得是 hu he he ,hu he he he he hehu he he ,hu he he he he he 开头的..然后就唱了..是个女的唱的..知道说 啦造句,是啦开头的 When he was over thirty,he became very famous.的同义句 When he was___his_____,he became very famous顺便说明原因,谢啦. 反义疑问句 she says he has read the book,……?后面的疑问是doesn’t she 还是hasn't he?还有具体解释就更好啦~ 英语翻译题是这样的“He stayed at home 空 空 空for picnic this 空”填空啦~ not only __study well but also he always helps pthers.1)did he 2) does he我也许2啦 但答案是选1 He was efficient in his work谢啦! 求翻译啦 He was efficient in his He can swim well的否定句帮帮忙啦哥哥姐姐们 Whether right or wrong he always wins the agrument帮忙翻译的啦 This is my father.He is a ().He is ().He likes to ().He lives in ().He can ().谢啦~最快回答者~采纳~但是一定要正确哦~ he he He 找首歌-he talked about life ,talked about death找一首歌,歌的开头是he talkede about life ,he talked death