Thenk you_________asking me the question.选择:at up

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/03 11:10:48
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Thenk you_________asking me the question.选择:at up we,d like to thenk you for tdking us around Radio Beijing do you thenk mr brown will wash his car tomorrow 意思? I don't understand you saying ,but I wish you will be happy for ever thenk you! ---Who's the ( )(good) English student? ----I thenk Linda is 用所给词的适当形式填空 工程队每天完成一项工程的12分之1,多少天可以完成这项工程?如果要求8天完成,那么每天要完成这项工程的几分之几?要算式!thenk you! 选词补全对话 help broken weicome sure not A:what are yuo going to do tomorrow?B:-------much.ohly some school workA:Can you -------me mend my bike Its------------B:-----------------A:Thenk you.B:Youre--------- 1.Private Sub Form_Click()Dim i As Integer,k AsInteger,c As IntegerFor i = 1 To 5If i Mod 3 = 0 Thenk = k + 2Elsec = c + 3End IfNext iPrint k,cEnd Sub写出程序运行时单击窗体后,Form1上的输出结果.2.PrivateSub Form_Click()Static Sum A 根据短文内容及首字母提示填空Dear Tim:Thenk you very much f_____ your letter.You want to k______ about my favorite sport and instrument.Now I tell you.I like swimming very much,and I a_______ like velleyball,basketball and ping-pong.Swim 多个或条件的if函数的代码怎么写?意思是:如果a=1或b=4或c=2或.h=8,k都=9是否可以写为:if a==1 // b==4 //c==2 // h==8 thenk=9end if How do you like the soap opera?means__________.A.What do you like the soap opera?B,Hou do you like of the soap opera?C,What do you thenk of the soap opera?D,Hou do you thind of the soap opera? 阅读下列程序并回答问题,在每小题提供的若干可选答案中,挑选一个正确答案.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(K As Integer)If K < Asc(0) Or K > Asc(9) ThenK = 0ElseLabel1.Caption = Chr(K) + Label1.CaptionEnd IfEnd Sub【供选