把下面的英语句子排列一下 ()I go to the bathroom()Now my hands are clean()I wash my hands in the sink()I get up at 6:30()oh!i have jim on my hands ()It‘s7?30.time for school()My hands aredirtl!()I have b

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 12:33:34
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把下面的英语句子排列一下 ()I go to the bathroom()Now my hands are clean()I wash my hands in the sink()I get up at 6:30()oh!i have jim on my hands ()It‘s7?30.time for school()My hands aredirtl!()I have b 七年级英语测试题--共5道!①go,piano,let's,the,and,play(连词成句)②I,go,movies,my,to,with,often,friend(连词成句)③阅读下面的句子,然后按逻辑意义把它们重新排列.( )Yes,I do ,I like to see a comedy.( )What with i everywhere him go按正确顺序把单词排列成合理的句子. telling about thank it for me youwith i everywhere him go按正确顺序把单词排列成合理的句子.. 英语翻译谁来给我翻译一下这个句子,尤其是其中“someone”的翻译.便于理解,下面还有一句:Now I am someone,I can go head. 把下列句子排列成正确的顺序(英语)急!1.$16.And it starts at 8:00.2.I'm sorry,I can't.I'm busy on Friday.3.There's a football match at the stadium.4.Would you like to go to a concert on Friday?5.Really?How much does it cost?6.Yes,I'd lov 【语文】读一读,排列句子的顺序.排列一下下面的句子( )春夏季节,在这里登高远望,有时能看到一种奇异的景象.( )古人把这种现象称作“仙境”,也叫“海市蜃楼”.其实是一种大气光学 下面的英语句子用1,2,3,4,5,6怎么样排列?( ) That's a good idea.When do yo go?( ) On October the first.( ) During the National Day holiday.i'm going to Beijing.( ) How is the weather in Beijing?( ) Oh,it's cool.What do yo do in Beijing?( ) 帮我找一下下面的句子哪里有错 Wang Bing,is that your mother purse?还有一个:I don't want to go to there with him. 下面的句子怎样排列(用1,2,3,4,5排列)( ) I have a toy car.( )May I have a look?( )Thank you.( )Sure.Here you are.( )Oh,It's nice.I like it. 请问I don't either.加不加逗号我们英语卷子上有一道题把句子排列起来dong't/I/either组成的句子是I don't either.请问I don't后面加不加逗号? 把下面的英语句子转换(初二课程)The old man is health(改为同义句)It isn’t easy for him to work out this problen.I thought(合并为一句)She asked me “Will you go to the cinema tomorrow?(改为宾语从句) 把这些句子排列成符合场景的对话( )I will stay at home and do some reading( )I do not know.What about you?( )Look at the clouds.It is going to rain.( )Good idea.( )I am afraid we can not go climbing the mountains today.( )What will y 英语的把错得句子改成对的,形式什么的事初一的英语错的:1.We are going play in the park together.2.she's go to stay here next week.3.A What you going to do?B I going to buy some fiowers.以上句子改成对的.下面还有3小 把下面的英语句子排列一下 快啊 速度of course. it' s cool.Er…There is an air-conditioner.yes or no ?Is this your bedroom?Wait,piease.Let me guess.What' s it like?Yes,it is.Come and look at my new room.Heiio,Chen jie!Hi,Amy! welcom 排列下面的句子( )Is it a key?( ) You are right.( )What's this in English?( )I think it's a ruler.( )No,it isn't. 把下面绾字的英语句子换成印刷体 把下列单词排列成句子.1.does,from,the,where,come,cloud( 2.going,you,to,what,do,are( 3.I,to,bike,go,sometimes,school,by( ).