Not wher the clack coach of sorrow has take you翻译下..速度.谢谢

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 18:46:52
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Not wher the clack coach of sorrow has take you翻译下..速度.谢谢 the babies _ the nurse looks after are very healthy.A.whose B wher C.which D.whom Click Clack love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen or who i'm going to meet.wher It is _____world of wonders,____worle wher anything can happen.A a; the B a; a C the;a D /;/说说为什么 Wher I was young I'd listen to the 英语翻译you shot me through the heart staring in your eyes so i might die a happy man today just empty out your barrel girl it’s alright click clack away click clack away click clack away click clack away go ‘head pull it pull it pull it yeah alarm clack 比clack 多一个alarm 请问, wher is the you , you is the miss you !no is you !是什么意思? but wher is the bus stop? it's __the other side of the road. 英语造句1、computer,wher,your,games,are 2、the,on,dresser,her,is,hat tonighe i will be waiting for you at the same place wher This is the museum__we saw an exhibition the other that B in which where D.the oneThis is the museum__we saw an exhibition the other day.A.that B.which C.where D.the oneThis is the museum___we visited the other day.A.that B.which C.wher 用am,is,are 填空 1.I ______ a boy.______ you a boy?No,I _____ not.  2.The girl______ Jack‘s sister.  3.The dog _______ tall and fat.  4.The man with big eyes _______ a teacher.  5.______ your brother in the classroom?  6.Wher 英语翻译How the Elephant got his trunk Once upon a time,there was a sad elephant.He was dirty and stinky,because he could not reach to wash his back.All the other animals didn’t play with him because he was smelly.Elephant sat under a tree,wher 1.Mike and his parents __________ the north for half a year.2.Mum is not at home now.she _________ the shop.3.______ you ever _____ to kunming Never.4.Where _____ you ______ these days?5.Has Jim arrived yet?Yes,he _______ here for several days.6.Wher 请把下面的直接引语变为间接引语 和把简介引语变为直接引语 简介引语变为直接引语1 I told him that I had lost my money and that I would find it.2 She asked whether I would be free the next day or not.3 I asked her wher 两道SAT2的数学题,求英语数学专家!1.A cell phone provider charges 0.4刀 for the first minute of a call and 0.2刀 for each additional mitute or each additional portion of a minute.The cost of a call,C,is given by the model C=0.4+0.2T wher