翻译In our culture,it's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding.

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/06 07:32:01
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翻译In our culture,it's the custom for the bride's father to pay for the wedding. 翻译do you think that our society encourage culture in which nothing is built to last 英语翻译It tries to locate the ultimate source of our troubles in the changes now agitating our entire Western culture. Each time we celebrate a festival it changes a little and in that way we keep our culture alive.这里it changes a little在句子中做什么结构,it指代什么?该怎么翻译. it is part of a trend of vimapires(吸血鬼) in pop culture.(翻译) 英语翻译As humans,we learn some of the ways of our culture by being taught by our teachers or parents.We learn more of the ways of our culture by growing up in it.We see how other people in our culture do things,and we do them the same way.We eve it is not the case in our real life翻译 高分求翻译中文2 PS:不要机译的The ongoing transformation of the enterprise culture is a positive factor in our changing and unpredictable world. It means that companies are becoming more sensitive to the changes that obtain in their envi 翻译The adoption of the culture of the upper classes,even in rudimentary form,made it possible to claim membership in the same cultural order. What does it mean to be polite in your culture?What is rude in your culture?please answer in Englis GRE填空一道Observable as a tendency of our culture is a _____ of _____ psychoanalysis:we no longer feel that it can solve our emotional problemsA.divergence...certainty about B.confrontation...enigmas inC.withdrawal...belief in D.defense...weakne 英语翻译Thinking in terms of dualisms is common in our cognitive culture 懂英语的各位进来帮下忙Define culture and explain where in the planning of a marketing communication program it becomes a factor. 翻译一下,不胜感激! 求翻译(英译中)如下:this assumption infect much of our culture. it predicates the existence of a clear division between town and country. it enables the rural lobby to characterize it self as an indigenous culture, itsnative traditions and p 英语翻译1.The Motorola culture is grounded in a respect for the dignity of people.It is a culture that respects our natural environment and strives to improve the surroundings in which we live and work.2.Overall,there could be a net gain in jobs, 怎么翻译culture is a deeply ingrained part of the very fiber of our being,a Name three things in our culture other than food ads that encourage overeating Historic buildings are an important building block in the flow of our culture through time.