They_(be)at the fair yesterday.填什么

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 21:10:32
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They_(be)at the fair yesterday.填什么 the interpreter at recent canton fair sometimes they_(not have )lunch at home. My friends and I were all at the fair中译英 英语翻译8.3 Principles for a Fair Hearing:All hearings pursuant to either Article 8.1 or 8.2 shall respect thefollowing principles:• a timely hearing;• fair and impartial hearing body;• the right to be represented by counsel at there will be an activityabout the job fair held by meten at 7:00PM in club.lf you want to improve y 用there be或have got的正确形式填空,每空填一个单词that big bag _ _four wheels._ _five pupils on the piaygroud._ _a monkey on the white coat.the blue t-shirt_ _a panda on it.they_ _lots of bags at the department store.look,_ _three goat The time is always right to do the right Be honest ,Be fair,Be kind 英语翻译没有they_ _ _ _home at 7.00a.m.. They_(be)___(an,a,the)Green family(用所给单词的真确形式填空,并翻译全句) 请用正确时态填写,Hi,how()be you?I()be fine.what()be now?not much.what()you/do right now?when_(they/come)over?they_(come)at 6:00 p.m 英语翻译1.Whether you want to pursue an existing interest or develop new ones,your first move should be to check out the bewilderingly large array of clubs at the OUSU Freshers' Fair.If you miss the Fair,don't despair.The degree to which people g go to the fair the street fair是什么意思 The Opportunity Fair The Opportunity Fair 歌词 英语翻译The Fair Princess I would rather they_(not hear) of the news