请教个关于英语的小问题They are talking each other.Between you and he,there is a difference.It is old enough for the boy to go to school.这三句话让改错 我看了半天也没看出来哪错了 请懂的人指导下

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/08 17:44:19
xKW@ǿʬi, Fɑcu` R `}aA[yWL?dW UT{jlbr;w?8j{X90 Mhc,f׭;0<=110ϐIOp)Aiiy'8]@byа82!Vf&?49C#W䕦,Q=C>I;9X]tj-"˙夡tWvum,8N0P4 T7چt{'\rtWae ㅌE?Ć'i#ͣ_;޸I ;*'=Yh/YE?wGGhPV9I̥(#Iз U5s`wY^AC ]f3 S_؃m[h"l&!=/rNb+8/ dsE\.n}xBpr6Qc ir鮑Ɗz9YeHs4;Ksy"ه$Vl9PPK > ^zŬiC+Gg`\ 2vgsfxqW(AC9!Tv 7;f_ hsP–T+P l, `|Vf`ĕ)$&ێJg0ZNhkLTVf`V t VjV[˸ꋩ/ÁTi\Jc?CWN g4)tLNj뫭rO~n8Wy",T_ ]Q@ ASnYzf[g7Ivy2n3v /.|`{?$+ýFp6YP}2]LתE
请教个关于英语的小问题They are talking each other.Between you and he,there is a difference.It is old enough for the boy to go to school.这三句话让改错 我看了半天也没看出来哪错了 请懂的人指导下 问下英语小问题.,关于they和them的How much are ____(they还是them?)=====I'll take ____(they还是them?)还有.,什么时候用they什么时候用them?主谓宾怎么看? 请教两个关于英语单词发音的小问题问题一-------------------------------------------------------------问题二----------------------------------------------------------------- 英语关于died的问题请问they are died对不对,为什么不用were,我到底哪里错了? 请教个英语的小问题希望朋友们进来看一下1.The students don’t do their homework,_____ A.don’t they B.do they C.don’t the students D.do the students B D 两个该选哪一个 为什么 They are white shirts.改为单数句____a white_____.一个英语小问题 关于七年级的英语问题:the Students' Sports Center本人英语渣渣--,在此请教一个英语问题:人教版七下英语中有个句子中,有个短语:the Students' Sports Center~~~Students' Sports Center不应该是专有名词吗? 恳切请教一英语问题need doing,want doingmy shirt is torn,it needs mendingthose windows are dirty.they want washingneed doingwant doing两者有什么区别? 请教关于反函数导数的问题 请教一些关于活性炭的碘值问题 请教关于电磁线圈缠绕的问题 请教下关于ABC的问题 英语菜鸟问个有关名词的问题They exchanged a few ----------a.how-are-you b.how-are-you’s c.of how-are-you’s d.of how are you为什么选b = = 关于解不等式,请教个简单的问题!X^2-3X-4 英语问职业的问题用he 、 you 、 your mather问职业 .每一个词都要有3个问句和1个答句 方式:(1)what do they for a living(2)what are they (3)what are their jobs 向科技英语的大虾们请教个问题.加热炉方面的问题,其中有个rod mil plant 请教下关于英语虚拟语气的问题________before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party. A.Had they arrived B.Would they arrive C.Were they arriving D.Were they to arrive 请问BD不都是表示对未来的 问一个很白痴的英语问题关于are的问题,在我的影像中只有you能有are!what are their jobs?为什么也能用are回答的时候也是用they are还有are those boy your?我很困扰!are those boys your?应该是这样的!