会计employee benefit的10%corridor怎么理解为什么要用这个?这章里总是看到obligation和plan assets应该怎么翻译?if greater than the large of 10% of the PV of the obligation or 10% of the MV of the plan assets.Excess charged or c

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/17 06:36:00
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non-discriminatory employee benefit plans 怎么翻译? 会计employee benefit的10%corridor怎么理解为什么要用这个?这章里总是看到obligation和plan assets应该怎么翻译?if greater than the large of 10% of the PV of the obligation or 10% of the MV of the plan assets.Excess charged or c Employee employee的读音到底是啥啊?1重点是重音在那里, benefit 的形容词形势 benefit的形容词 快 perceived benefit 商务英语的 翻译:Audit 101: A Guide to Employee Benefit Plan Audits Audit Fieldwork101审计准则:外勤审计中指导员工福利方案的审计指南我觉着这样翻译挺别扭的,有没有高手来帮个忙? employee与employer的区别 employee,employe的区别是什么 英语语法困惑我一直很困惑这句话,social responsibility can be of benefit in encouraging employee loyalty and skill.我不懂 can be 后面为什么加个of,benefit后面又加个in 可能有些是固定搭配 可这种的我没见过啊 做人事或做会计又懂英文的来帮忙翻译几个句子公司让我给翻译员工离职后操作流程的文件,其中有一些句子实在有些想不明白,急!还请大侠们不吝赐教.敬礼!1 . Refer the employee to the HR Department 英语翻译as an employee benefit of the National Cash Register Co.主要翻译这句,要通顺点, be benefit to和be benefit with的区别 benefit from 与 get benefit from的区别和用法? of benefit to...的意思 of benefit to...的意思 feature-benefit selling 的中文