SAT普林斯顿上的三道语法题!The Tasmanian devil has been hunted to near extinction because it preys on farm animals,who are the favorite (target) of the marsupial. 答案说是哪个who要改成which,这个没错,为什么那个target不用

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/05 04:39:53
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SAT普林斯顿上的三道语法题!The Tasmanian devil has been hunted to near extinction because it preys on farm animals,who are the favorite (target) of the marsupial. 答案说是哪个who要改成which,这个没错,为什么那个target不用 高人请解答几道SAT的语法题1、普林斯顿上的thanks to the rapid growth of the internet,the internet service provider 【gained 】three million subscribes by 1996 and by 1996,was gaining as many as a thousand new customers each week.这 SAT普林斯顿上面的两道语法题(To paint the entire hosue,Fay) decided to take a long nap and thereby restore her energy.答案是Having painted the entire house,Fay为什么不能直接用原句那个To...,我觉得答案反倒是更改了 SAT的语法题 普林斯顿11套题里面的SAT的语法题: knowledge of physics and physical fitness rather than simple bravery and a sense of adventure.括号中的内容正确答案是改成The job of an astronaut requires 为什么不能改成A 一道sat上的语法题 普林斯顿上的SAT语法问题Although his term was much shorter than that of later presidents, Presidnt Lincolin instituted the income tax, the draft, and the Thanksgiving holiday.答案说应该把that of 改成those of 但前面不是his term sat普林斯顿11套题这套题好不好呀?我总觉得答案和解释都不太对啊,比如第一套题语法第一题,A 错的原因是to do 不能做主语, SAT普林斯顿11套题这套题的阅读有必要做吗? sat的书选巴朗还是普林斯顿?两本有什么不一样? SAT语法几道语法题 SAT语法该如何提高整理?上一次考语法部分650,下一次是10月了,我OG语法部分做了五六遍了,OC做了几套,觉得题目怪,巴郎普林斯顿不敢做怕做偏了,真题暂时不敢碰留着考前用,现在该整理笔记了 有没有SAT OG上单单的语法部分,和后面的语法题……只要语法…… SAT语法 普林斯顿11套题中的题目求解!The science teacher (uses an erector set simulating the structure of human DNA),which she rearranges to represent different mutations and variations.简单排错后剩两个.B.uses an erector set to si SAT普林斯顿11套题有必要做吗?我5月份考SAT,一开始没有做OG,直接做的真题,已经做过一遍,现在做第二遍了,真题和普林斯顿11套那本换着做,查了下都说普林斯顿比真题简单,但是为什么我做普林 问两个SAT普林斯顿语法1.Many of William Blake’s etchings,inspired by his notions of good and evil,were accompanied by subject-appropriate writings.accompanied之前为什么要加+were,而inspired的前面就不用加2.Set in the sixteenth SAT普林斯顿语法题求解,望高手解答1 Heart disease, it having developed often unnoticed for many years, is sometimes the result of a poor diet. B often developing unnoticed for many yearsD with often unnoticed developing for many years答 三道OG上的SAT语法题In Germany,foresters discovered that trees killed by acid rain had begun to die four years (earlier,even though the trees had shown no signs of disease them)n.D earlier without any signs of disease shown then这个题答案 sat oc还是普林斯顿11套好做完sat真题条件下 想专做CR是先做OC还是先做普林斯顿11套那个 【注意是专CR方面】