下面有一段话需请各位帮忙write one paragraph composition entitled "how l plan my daily activities"begin the paragraph with the topic sentence :"I plan my daily activities carefully so that i can have adequate time for both work and play ."

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:38:03
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下面有一段话需请各位帮忙write one paragraph composition entitled how l plan my daily activitiesbegin the paragraph with the topic sentence :I plan my daily activities carefully so that i can have adequate time for both work and play . 写了一段英文,请各位帮忙看看有没有错看看有没有语法错的,用错单词的,句子冗长什么的.有的话请帮忙修改一下,Bobby applied a loan on 1Jan but was rejected because of his address.Bobby was unsatisfied with that write a thank-you letter on Thanksgiving Day口语考试需要一段,请给位大大帮忙写点东东As we all know that Thanksgiving Day is the day to give thanks to those who offered help.If you are required to write a thank-you letter on Thanksgi 请高手来看看,请帮忙解释一下下面一句话是什么意思?Response.Write & vbcrlfResponse.Write 特别是其中的pageKeyWords和page_desc,construction1和construction2是自定义的常量,那这句话究竟是有何用途,后面 请各位大虾们帮忙写篇英语作文吧:题目见正文,Directions:For this part,you are required to writeDirections:For this part,you are required to write a composition on the topic:On Internet.You should write at least 120 words following 一段英语作文Write at least 5 sentences on the topic‘Air is all around us’ 请帮忙翻译下面一段:电镀废水处理进展 帮忙写写下面单词的过去式say( ) learn( ) live( ) stop( ) cook( ) run( ) hope( ) write( )clean( ) open( ) 求各位大神帮忙解决下面的难题 请各位朋友们帮忙解决一下,下面各题.谢谢! 各位大神帮忙将下面一段中文翻译成英语,很急!我是去年2012/10/29入职的.在系统里提交了PBC之后没有写过总结.今天在提交2013年的PBC时无法提交成功.系统提示已有存在的PBC.今天在去年的PBC里 请帮忙翻译下面一段英文,谢谢了~Western culture is based on individualism. A Westerner sees himself or herself both as an individual and member of a community. Thus any insistence on communicating through questions might be considered ann Write a passage entitled “On Job-hopping”. 急用,请好心人帮忙写下150字的英语作文,谢谢Write a passage entitled “On Job-hopping”. 急用 People write words on write on和write with是什么意思? write down 和write on的区别 各位大神帮忙解答,最好有过程. 请各位语文高手帮我把下面的天气预报的语言形式改成一段描写天气的语言.天气:晴转多云,午后有小雨,风力1~2级.