
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/14 06:17:09
xKNP  " F˶Xb0*JR@=b:QCƑҴ[-Jl$OREY*KVs-@k؞ hķߏ%wo`v`d 1ضyPr 8%&?ʆ>k:>ͱm] TPLbVHߘq:3>l. rulL4 :05ITdyBbqLVCLiG=Wmr_Aw4Q^yz1jx+J\<'>
关于Iphone的springboard重启每次在cydia里的软件源进行安装时.有些软件源要求重启springboard.点击重启后会有个标志在不停的转圈.关机都关不了.只能等没电自动关机这是怎么回事? 我的iphone出问题了SpringBoardWe apologize for the inconvenience.but SpringBoard has just crashed.MobileSubstrate.Reboot(or restart SpringBoard)to return to the normal mode.To return to this dialog touch the status bar.还有三个选项OK Resta 关于iPhone的AppleCare Protection Plan 有用吗 iPhone滑动解锁以后总是显示出这样的提示…是英文的,谁帮我翻译?We apologize for the inconvenience,but SpringBoard has just crashed.MobileSubstrate/did not/cause this problem:it has protected you from it.Your device is now run Iphone的全英文提示语是什么意思这段文字是什么意思?We apologize for the inconvenience, but SpringBoard has just crashed.MobileSubstrate/did not/ carse this problem: it has protected you from it.Your device is now running in Safe Mo 我iphone也出现了we apologize for the inconvenience,but springboard has just crashed,之前在91里面下载了些东西 求 关于iphone 3gs ,iphone 4 ,ipad ,ipod touch 的英文介绍求 iphone 3gs ,iphone 4 ,ipad ,ipod touch 介绍,一个介绍为一段,要中英对照,简短一点,2分钟左右的演讲的 iPhone的三网版是什么意思? IPHONE+NIKE的作用 iPhone的官翻机是什么意思? iPhone iphone IPhone iTouch 4 iOS 5.0.1英文的springboard.string 谁能发给我 Iphone 的盒子有多大?长宽高?iphone 4 谢谢 gotcha iphone是什么啊gotcha iphone是什么用的啊? iphone的照片流是什么意思 ipad与iphone的区别?